Monday, June 30, 2014

Crazy Animals That Actually Exist

Original source :
Posted : August 2013
Author : Matt Weber

20. The Shoebill
The Shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) also known as Whalehead or Shoe-billed Stork, is a very large stork-like bird. It derives its name from its massive shoe-shaped bill. Although it has a somewhat stork-like overall form and has previously been classified in the order Ciconiiformes, its true affiliations with other living birds is ambiguous. Some authorities now reclassify it with the Pelecaniformes. The adult is mainly grey while the juveniles are browner. It lives in tropical east Africa in large swamps from Sudan to Zambia.  

Top Ten Strange Religious Beliefs

Original source :
Posted : February 2013
Author : the admin

Religion is precious to many people. It is the driving force that helps them deal with daily challenges and keeps them on their moral track. Religion has been the source of incredible strength to help overcome unimaginable hardship. As the list below shows, however, religion can also be a big ball of confusion and hatred. Here are the top ten bizarre religious beliefs that people actually follow.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

My Hatred For Printers Can Be Best Summed Up By Viewing This Post

Original source :
Posted : January 2014
Author : the admin

Printers seem to have a life of their own. They seem to know when your dateline is approaching and they start to act up. The more you show your anger, the more problems they start to give. I had gone through many such situations with many types of printers; and to know my hatred for these peripherals, view the following pictures in this post....

Ridiculously Awesome Job Titles

Original source :
Posted : May 2013
Author : the admin

"You do what?" - this question might come to your mind when asking these people the nature of their job. Some are awesome while others are weird, but one thing they have in common is they are all simply ridiculous. Lets take a good look and ask yourself what is the true nature of their job....

Chinese Father Carries His Disabled Son 18 Miles To School Every Day

Original source :
Posted : March 2014
Author : the admin

A parent’s devotion to their children can sometimes be one of the strongest natural forces in the world, and Yu Xukang, a proud and loving father in Yibin county in China, is no exception. Every day, he travels a total of 18 miles to ensure that Xiao Qiang, his disabled 12-year-old son, can go to school.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

20 Incredibly Strange X-Ray Images

Original source :
Posted : June 2010
Author : the admin

Being a physician myself, I say we experience a loads of X-Rays each day but sometimes they are incredibly odd leaving us in wonder how and why it’s like this. So i decided to search for more of these and came up with a few here. To the best of my knowledge, these X-Rays are real and haven’t been photoshopped or altered in any way with the exception of one at the end (in bonus).

Top Ten Crazy Fears That Actually Have Names

Original source :
Posted : January 2013
Author : the admin

Everybody has met somebody who says that they aren’t afraid of anything. Big lies, right? Even if you don’t fear the reaper, or the boogie man, and would gladly frolic around in the dark carrying spiders with your head wrapped in snakes, there is still something that gives you the heebie-jeebies. It just might not be something that anyone would expect. That doesn’t mean, however, that there isn’t an actual phobia for it. Here is the top ten list of the craziest fears that have actually been given names.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Revisiting Infamous Human Experiment

Original source :
Posted : July 2013
Author : Mirella Ionta

We have all heard about human experiments. Just search under the key words "human experiment" on Google Search Engine and surely you will find the top ten list of the most cruel research studies of the 1900s, some of which attached a medical rhetoric rationalizing their scientific value, while others were shamelessly performed in times of war and hatred. From the infamous concentration camp infernos of the Nazi Germans to The Monster Study, an experiment conducted on twenty-two orphan children in Iowa in 1939, to the Poison Laboratory of the Soviets secret services, known as The Chamber to Unit 731, a bio-chemical warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army existing in the pause between the two World Wars, disturbing images and reports of the vivisection of pregnant women and the barbaric treatment of human subjects continue to haunt the credibility of both the medical community and governmental organizations. 

10 Requirements Of A Habitable Planet

Original source :
Posted : February 2011
Author : the admin

Scientists have recently discovered around 140 Earth-like planets using the latest Kepler telescope. Even more exciting than that is the fact that scientists now claim that there could be  many more that harbor the exact conditions necessary for life. But what criteria should be met for a planet to qualify the title of earth-like or more probably habitable? Lets see.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

11 Superhero Movies That Never Escaped Development Hell

Original source :
Posted : October 2011
Author : Robin Parrish

With all of the great superhero movies that there have been, there’ve been quite a few stinkers as well. And then there have been some that never made it before cameras - both promising sounding scripts and some that were so very, very bad. Here are 11 superhero films that might have been.

Top 10 Futuristic Predictions That Materialized In 2012

Original source :
Posted : February 2013
Author : the admin

Just as we can sit and discuss the nature of the future that may await us and our planet, it’s very likely that generations previous to us have done the same. Whilst many of these predictions have likely come and gone, many may be yet to arrive whereas some may never be realised at all. Here are some events that happened in 2012 which you could imagine have been pondered upon in the past.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

12 Bizarre Examples Of Genetic Engineering

Original source :
Posted : December 2010
Author : draganescu

Glow-in-the-dark cats? It may sound like science fiction, but they’ve been around for years. Cabbages that produce scorpion poison? It’s been done. Oh, and the next time you need a vaccine, the doctor might just give you a banana. These and many other genetically modified organisms exist today because their DNA has been altered and combined with other DNA to create an entirely new set of genes. You may not realize it, but many of these genetically modified organisms are a part of your daily life - and your daily diet. Today, 45 percent of U.S. corn and 85 percent of U.S. soybeans are genetically engineered, and it’s estimated that 70 to 75 percent of processed foods on grocery store shelves contain genetically engineered ingredients. Here’s a look at the some of the weirdest genetically engineered plants and animals already in existence - and many that are coming your way soon.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Best Of Movie Mistakes

Original source :
Posted : December 2010
Author : the admin

Here is the collection of the most famous movie mistakes. Most of them are not new, but still interesting. Enjoy :)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Top 7 Foods For Healthy Looking Hair

Original source :
Posted : May 2014
Author : the admin

You hair exhibits what you eat! That’s right. Everything that you put into your body also affects the health and well being of your hair follicles. We all want to have healthy and shining hair. If you think your hair is a bit too dull or frizzy, then it’s time you start taking extra care of them. Our hair requires as much pampering and care as our skin. According to experts, exercise and a proper diet are the two key components that can give you the perfect mane. Here’s 7 foods you can eat for having a healthy looking hair:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Top 10 Places Forbidden For Visits

Original source :
Posted : July 2012
Author : the admin

One might assume that since it is a free world, so to speak, one is free to roam wherever he wills without consequence. Well, that would not exactly be true. See, there are places on this planet that you absolutely cannot go to, unless of course you are that kind of person. This list discusses ten of those places that you probably will have to wait your entire life to get into, and the places that you probably wouldn’t be allowed to enter even if you were given multiple lifetimes. Most of these places are top secret government institutions or in one case it is a club that has a several year waiting list. I hope you find this list informative and enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Things You Only See In China…Strange Encounters From A Canadian Couple

Original source : via
Posted : June 2014
Author : Charlene

This is the story of a Canadian couple that moved to China. They haven’t lived there for too long. But, have quickly come to realize that “they’re not in Kansas” anymore. Things are quite different from Canada. Some are weird, some are just confusing. Here are just some of the peculiarities they have encountered so far….

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How To Decorate Rack Or Shelves

Original source :
Posted :May 2014
Author : the admin

Shelves decoration
Racks or shelves decoration is not so much related to the interior design, but to decorating art. That is, actually, what we may do in our own free time. It is not right to consider racks as just a functional furniture items. With certain principles and tricks you can turn ordinary shelves into a stylish decor item that will reflect your interests and match the style of your home.

Monday, June 16, 2014

6 Strong Reasons To Start Eating Avocados

Original source :
Posted : 2014
Author : the admin

Native to Mexico and Central America, avocados are well known for their numerous health benefits, as well as for their delicious taste. No matter if you eat them raw or juice them, avocados should be part of your daily diet, since they will increase you mineral and vitamin intake, and will also lower the long-term risk for various diseases and ailments – including some that can be fatal. If you are still not sure whether you should start eating avocados regularly, here are six strong reasons to do so:

Sleeping Positions: What Does Yours Reveal About You?

Original source :
Posted : October 2012
Author : the admin

A study by leading British body language expert, Robert Phipps has revealed the position we sleep in reflects our mood, stress level and even personality. The research, which was carried out for budget hotel chain Premier Inn, found the most common way of sleeping, The Foetal position (58%), reflects subconsciously trying to de-stress in our sleep. The Log, the second most common sleeping position (28%) sees people sleep with their arms and legs by their side, with the report stating that such a rigid position can lead to individuals being very stubborn and set in their ways.
Despite, over half of the nation sleeping in a way that shows they are stressed, a quarter say they sleep on their side with their arms stretched out, dubbed The Yearner, meaning they're constantly on the hunt for new challenges to try and reach for their dreams. Not only are our sleeping positions revealing we are stressed, but also that we are anxious and feeling out of control, with 17% saying they sleep on their front with their arms above their head in The Freefaller.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rescued Goat Refused To Eat For 6 Days

Original source :
Posted : June 2014
Author : the admin

After being rescued, this goat refused to eat for 6 days. What brought back his spirit is so TOUCHING!!!

10 Amazing Tricks To Play With Your Brain

Original source :
Posted : July 2010
Author : the admin

Mind is the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes. Mind manifests itself subjectively as a stream of consciousness. Neuroanatomists usually consider the brain to be the pivotal unit of what we refer to as mind. The Human Brain tricks us whenever it can. You don’t actually see what it is in real or you don’t even actually hear or smell the way it should be. Here is the time to play trick with the human brain. I assure here, trying them is completely safe.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Radiation

Original source :
Posted : June 2014
Author : Mary Mckee 

Radiation can be used to save the life of a person through cancer treatments. Radiation can also be very deadly. It is no secret that society has done loads of questionable acts in order to try to understand this particular type of energy. Here are just some of the facts about radiation and some of the horrible crimes society has committed too.

Check Out This Amazing Floating City Planned To Be Built In China!

Original source :
Posted : May 2014
Author : Sanje Witter

After considering ways to minimize pollution and improve social and environmental conditions, a Chinese construction firm – CCCC – wants to build a floating city. The company which is also responsible for the building of the presently incomplete 31 mile bridge linked between Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai, commissioned the AT Design Office to make a plan for the city which should cover an area of  four square miles using the same techniques that are being used to accomplish building the 31 mile bridge.

Friday, June 13, 2014

11 Reasons You Should Start Eating Mango

Original source :
Posted : May 2014
Author : the admin

Mangos taste so good that you forget how healthy they are. Here are healthy reasons why you should stock up on this king of fruits.

L115A3 Sniper Gun That Can Kill Over A Mile

Original source :
Posted : October 2010
Author : Geek

Often termed as the best sniper gun of 2010, the L115A3, fires a heavier bullet to much longer ranges and has a state-of-the-art telescopic sight with twice the magnifying power of the old version. More than 500 are on order from the British manufacturers, Accuracy International. Since British forces moved into Helmand Province two years ago to take on the Taliban, demand for snipers has soared and 120 a year are now passing through the specialist training school at Warminster in Wiltshire.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Top 10 Nuclear / Radioactive Accidents

Original source : 
Posted : June 2013 
Author : the admin

Nuclear power is often billed as the cleaner, more productive future of energy. In theory this claim holds true. However, the human dynamic dictates that accidents will happen. Since the generation of nuclear energy produces waste that can affect human populations and natural environments for centuries, this is a scary proposition. Nuclear devices have changed pop culture globally and irreversibly. Listed here are ten events that demonstrate the harmful potential of this harnessed energy source.

What's So Special About This Pair Of Mangoes That Was Sold For USD 3,000?

Original source :
Posted : 2014
Author : Sadho Ram

The highly-prized mangoes were among a batch of 231 cases containing pairs of the fruit sold at a wholesale market in Miyazaki prefecture.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

10 Expressions Coined by William Shakespeare

Original source :
Posted : 2014
Author : Oendrila De

English is the third most commonly spoken language in the world. For some, it is the native language, for many it is the first language despite having a different mother-language, while there are many who use it as their second language. Every day, people read, write or speak in English. English is a language with many forms: it can be curt and crisp, it can also be sweet and romantic. In fact, the treasure chest of English literature is filled with invaluable gems. The contribution of William Shakespeare in this regard is unquestionable. But, how many English-knowing people are aware that many of the phrases and expressions that they use on a regular basis have actually been coined by the Bard himself?
Here is a list of 10 such phrases and expressions that were first used by Shakespeare:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Top 10 Greatest Inventions Ever Made

Original source :
Posted : October 2012
Author : the admin

Even though the human species is not alone in regards to using tools, we have definitely gone above and beyond in the technological aspect of our race. The use of our inventions has taken us a long way. They’ve allowed us to land on the moon, travel over oceans, and even eliminate major health threats with various medicines. Below, we are going to talk about the top 10 greatest inventions ever made.

TOP 10 Inventions That Were Discovered By Accident And Changed The World

Original source :
Posted : March 2014
Author : iFunny Diverti

Inventors spend countless hours and dollars getting their inventions to work and most of them usually fail but now and again an invention is discovered by accident that changes the world. The most highly medical inventions such as the Penicillin and Smart Dust, to the biggest industries such as Plastic and Vulcanized Rubber were all brought to life because of an accident or alternate failed project.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Top 10 Ideas That Everyone Used To Believe

Original source :
Posted : October 2013
Author : Kate

Nowadays, with our speedy communications and the whole of human knowledge at the press of a button, it’s tempting to think that we have the monopoly on ideas. That everything we believe is infallible and it’s only people in the past that had these crazy theories. But let’s not get too smug – after all, the “crazy theories” of the past were, at the time, widely accepted as credible and, in their own way, “proven”. So, in 100 years’ time, future people may look back at our non-flying cars and finger-operated internet devices (while using their own iPads through the power of their minds) and laugh. But if we’re going to be mocked in the future, we might as well look at some of the commonly-accepted ideas of the past and be glad that things have moved on…

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Spontaneous Combustion – Behind The Flames

Original source :
Posted : 2010
Author : Brooke Windsor

The idea of someone simply bursting into flames is a relatively old one. Stories abound about people who could control fire or merely act as a human spark for the radical element. Technically known as spontaneous human combustion (or SHC), it is the burning of a live human body without any external ignition source. Incidents of spontaneous human combustion from around the globe over the past three hundred years total over 200 in number. However, most of these occurrences were not thoroughly or scientifically processed properly and many of the claims are based totally on oral testimonies or hearsay alone which makes people outside of the supernatural belief realm doubt spontaneous human combustion exists at all. Diverging in the other direction though, some scientists believe that spontaneous human combustion might be the only credible paranormal happening once the appropriate investigation has been conducted on enough of these incidents.

10 Modern Engineering Marvels In The World

Original source :
Posted : March 2012
Author : the admin

Mega structures are nowadays commonly seen almost everywhere in the world. Because of the advancement of technology and the improvement of machinery, tall sky scrapers and many other infrastructures are already made possible. Ten engineering marvels of engineers are as follows.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Man Build DIY Smartphone From Raspberry Pi For RM500

Original source :
Posted : May 2014
Author : Farhan

While Google’s Project Ara is making all the headlines for being a user customised modular smartphone, software engineer and Raspberry Pi enthusiast David Hunt has decided to get head of the game and build his own smartphone from a Raspberry Pi, an Adafruit touchscreen, and some carefully placed padding. The whole unit is held together with zip ties and costs US$158 (RM516).

World’s First Chainless Folding Electric Bike

Original source :
Posted : June 2013
Author : the admin

The Footloose by Mando is doubtless going to make you want to test ride it. Asserting that it is the world’s first chainless hybrid electric folding bike, Korean auto suppliers Mando Corp and Meister Inc have collaborated to bring us this beautiful design.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Genius Ring – Presentation On Your Fingertips

Original source :
Posted : February 2012
Author : Sunny

There are many of us, who have used an Air Mice during a PowerPoint demonstration. However, here comes the best aspect for those whose day-to-day actions centered on presentations. A new system known as the Genius Ring Presenter has been released and is available in the market. This can absolutely make the procedure of presenting something very simple.

10 Fun Facts About Alligators

Original source :
Posted : 2014
Author :the admin

An alligator is a crocodilian in the genus Alligator of the family Alligatoridae. In addition, several extinct species of alligator are known from fossil remains. Alligators first appeared during the Oligocene epoch about 37 million years ago. The name alligator is an anglicized form of el lagarto, the Spanish term for “the lizard”, which early Spanish explorers and settlers in Florida called the alligator.
Do you know…?

Top 15 Strangest Coincidences

Original source :
Posted : April 2006
Author : the admin

It was written:

1) Mark Twain was born on the day of the appearance of Halley's Comet in 1835, and died on the day of its next appearance in 1910. He himself predicted this in 1909, when he said: "I came in with Halley's Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it."

Thursday, June 5, 2014

US Worst Car Of 2011

Original source :
Posted : January 2012
Author : Bill Howard

We had just seen the US Best 10 Tech Cars of 2011, with all the thrills and frills that they have to offer. No doubt, there will be lots of choices for the customers. Now that we had seen the upper end of the ladder, what about the lower end? Here is the answer - the US worst car of 2011

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

US 10 Best Tech Cars Of 2011

Original source :
Posted : January 2012
Author : Bill Howard

With very few horrible cars or unsafe cars being manufactured, it’s tough to separate the good from the best. That’s where tech comes in. Hardly a buyer wants USB optional and the CD player standard, and the best to hope for is USB standard along with the shiny disc player which automakers refuse to kill even as it approaches its 30th birthday. Is standard or cheap USB and Bluetooth enough to separate two similar cars? Sure - MP3 players have been around almost 15 years, the iPod 10 years, and who doesn’t have a Bluetooth phone now (and state laws requiring hands-free)? That’s long enough for automakers to spot trends.
What follows are the 10 cars that made the best and most innovative use of technology in 2011 and moving into 2012 (almost all are technically 2012 models).

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Strangest Bridgest Around The World

Original source :
Posted : August 2009
Author : the admin

These bridges are located in Amsterdam and were made by Naomi. Three unusual red steel bridges extend over the water between the islands Sporenburg and Borneo. Two of these three bridges stretch for 90m and the 3d one is 25 meters long. The pedestrian bridge is the most unusual one.

Monday, June 2, 2014

The 5 Dumbest Car Features Of All Time

Original source :
Posted : May 2014
Author : the admin

Probably the sole most moneymaker in the auto industry are the add-on features. Yes, we all know that if you live in LA, you’re going to want a sunroof, and that’s going to cost you a ridiculous $2,000+ dollars. Or if you live in Boston, what’s a car without seat heaters? So maybe those are reasonable requests, but it’s the odd things that make your car bill go from $20,000 to $32,000. Think again. Do you really need all those extra features? Ehh…. maybe not.
Well, here are the top 5 most ridiculous car features that you really don’t need.

Top 20 Craziest Shoes Of All Time

Original source :
Posted : March 2011
Author : the admin

Want to see the craziest shoes of all time? Then, you're in the right place! Here is a photo gallery of the craziest, funniest shoes I have ever seen. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Very Dirty PCs

Original source :
Posted : March 2014
Author : the admin

Hey, you own a PC? Sure you do, at least before you got a laptop or a smartphone - if not, how would you surf the internet? Is your PC still running? How long has it been since you last sent it for servicing? What? You didn't know that you need to send your PC for servicing? Well then, its time for you to take a look. Dust might have accumulated over the years, clogging the vents and such, lowering the efficiency of your PCs. Who knows, you might find something else apart from dust.
Check out these photos and look at these very dirty PCs...

10 Craziest Laws From Around The World

Original source :
Posted : 2014
Author : Ejaz Khan

Here is a list of the world’s craziest laws or urban myths. We are not quite sure about these weirdest laws. Let us know which ones you think are real.

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