Original source : http://www.livescience.com
Posted : May 2014
Author : Agata Blaszczak-Boxe

Although Spider-Man got his superhero abilities from a
spider bite, ordinary spider-bite victims may have to deal with spider-bite
effects that have nothing to do with being able to scale walls and climb around
on ceilings. Some of the weirdest effects that spider venom may have on
regular, nonsuperhero humans include unwanted erections, dead skin tissue that
turns black, unusual rashes, dark pee and sweat so heavy it makes puddles on
the floor. However, it is important to remember that such unusual
symptoms are extremely rare, and the vast majority of spider bites are
harmless, or cause only mild irritation and itchiness. In fact, spiders do not often bite people, and if they do,
it is because they feel threatened. Black widow spiders and brown recluse
spiders are the only two spider species in North America whose bites may
sometimes result in symptoms more serious than minor local pain and swelling,
according to Rick Vetter, a retired arachnologist at the University
of California, Riverside. Although hobo spiders, which are common in the Pacific
Northwest, are also listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as
one of the three types of spiders that can be toxic to people, some researchers
have argued that hobo-spider venom may not be so toxic after all.
Here are some of the weirdest effects spider bites have had
on people.