Thursday, February 6, 2014

10 Most Common Diseases In The World

Original source :
Posted : June 2012
Author : Nematoda

No one likes to visit a doctor or a hospital. However, there are some common diseases that people face very often during their life cycle. No matter how fit you are there are high chances that you might suffer from these diseases in your lifetime. Even though these diseases are common, you should not ignore them; if ignored, they might have serious implications. Following is the list of Top 10 common diseases in the world that you should know.

1. Malaria
Even though this disease is more common in developing countries in Southeast Asia, Middle East and some part of Africa and South America, many cases are reported every year from developed countries as well. This disease is caused by parasites and might prove dangerous if necessary precautions are not taken in time. The symptoms of Malaria are similar to flu and include muscles aches, fatigues, chills, fever, etc.

2. Tetanus
This is a bacterial disease which affects your central nervous system. Like diarrhea, it is not specific to any one country or place. It is said to occur when your surroundings get contaminated with the bacteria. Some of the most common symptoms of tetanus include spasms, stiff neck, fever and body pain. Tetanus is also called lock jaw. It’s a must that proper vaccination is done once the disease is confirmed.

3. Diarrhea
Diarrhea is common in all parts of the world. It's actually a condition where your bowel movements are in abnormally liquid state. The bacteria causing this condition usually spreads through contamination in food and water. Since it causes dehydration, you need to ensure that you take Imodium or similar substitute so as to maintain the water level in your body.

4. Hepatitis A & B
Both of these diseases affect the proper functioning of the liver. Advanced cases of Hepatitis might cause death. Nausea, headaches as well as abdominal discomfort are some common symptoms of these diseases. Its treatment is also long term and one has to undergo a series of vaccinations spread over a period of a few months to be completely cured from these diseases.

5. Typhoid Fever
It affects the circulation of blood as well as infecting the intestinal tract of the human body. Typhoid is very common in some parts of Asia and Africa. It is contracted by food or water containing the salmonella pathogen. Some of the most common symptoms of typhoid include loss of appetite, high fever and hoarse cough.

6. Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is another common disease that is spread by mosquito. This disease is common in tropical regions of South America as well as Southern Africa. Backaches, headaches, fever and vomiting are some common signs of this disease. As it gets to an advanced stage, gum bleeding and blood in urine might appear. You need to avoid stagnation of water in your residing area and spray mosquito repellants.

7. Meningitis
This might prove to be a deadly disease if proper cure is not taken in time. It affects the circulation of blood as well as the lining of the brain with the spinal cord. Meningitis usually appears when a person comes into contact with an infected individual. Nausea, headaches, stiff neck and headaches are few symptoms of this disease.

8. Cholera
This is a bacterial disease that targets your intestines. Found commonly in Asia and Africa, it causes a lot of deaths each year. Diarrhea, dehydration and vomiting are some of the common signs that appear when it occurs. You should boil your drinking water and should avoiding eating unwashed and uncooked food.

9. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Due to lack of awareness and unsafe sexual practices sexually transited diseases or STDs are becoming very common these days. Even though the number of such cases are far larger in developing counties then the developed countries, these diseases takes a lot of lives each year even in developed countries like US and UK. AIDS, genital herpes, gonorrhea are some of the common STDs.

10. Common Cold
This is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system of the patient. Sneezing, coughing and running nose are some of the common symptoms of this disease. Even though it appears mild as compared to other diseases, you will find it very surprising that a lot of people die throughout the world because of this disease each year.

~Blog Admin~

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