Sunday, October 5, 2014

7 Signs Of An Unhealthy Heart

Original source :
Posted : 2014
Author : the admin

If you were to see a man grabbing his chest and falling to the floor without conscious, you would probably think he is having a heart attack. However, signs of heart attack, the leading worldwide cause of death, are not always that obvious. This means that there are some other, more “quiet” signs that could alert you of having an unhealthy heart. Some people may just feel unwell, thinking they should stay home and rest a bit, not knowing that they are actually having a heart attack. Heart is the strongest muscle in our body, and when it fails to work properly, it can trigger some symptoms related to other body parts. Read about seven symptoms of an unhealthy heart so you can react properly and on time.

1. Sexual dysfunction
Don’t panic yet! Those few times it happened (and nobody knows about it) were maybe caused by that last few drinks you had. However, you should check it with the cardiologist, because patients with erectile dysfunctions have bigger chances to suffer from an unhealthy heart. This is because in case of a heart disease, arteries become narrower and they restrict blood flow to the penis. This is what actually keeps you from having an erection. Women with restricted blood flow to the genital zone have troubles with reaching orgasms, or – the horror, the orgasms become less satisfying.
What should you do: Problems with sexual satisfaction can cause troubles between the partners but more important- they can fail to warn you about something bigger. So do not hesitate to check your (and your partner’s) health for cardiovascular issues. Try to know as much as you can about the possible causes of the dysfunction before you discard it as a minor emotional setback with your beloved one.

2. Problems with snoring
So you keep everyone awake during the night. Your partner has to buy earplugs and your cat has to climb a tree in order to get some sleep. Restricted air flow in your chest during the night sleep can be a sign that your heart is in danger. People who have sleep apnea (the state in which breathing even stops for a few short moments, have three times bigger chances of having a heart attack in the next five years. This risky math implies you should visit your cardiologist in case you have similar symptoms.
What should you do:  Once again, collect as much information as you can.  Have in mind that during a heart attack, shortness of breath often comes together with discomfort or pain in your chest. However, a heart attack can also happen without chest discomfort. In order to be sure about the state of your heart, visit your cardiologist and tell him all about the snoring problem. This is the first step to prevention AND getting your pets back in home during the night.

3.  Problems with your gums
Inflamed, swollen or bleeding gums are a sign you should visit your dentist. But, it may also be an early sign of an unhealthy heart. Most of people don’t take proper care of their gums. Even if they are swollen or sore, they think it will just go away. Some studies show a connection between the bacteria that is involved in gum inflammations and buildups of plaque in coronary arteries. This connection may be the result of body’s reaction to the underestimated inflammation.
What should you do: See a dentist first. Do not underestimate your gums. Prevent the presence of bacteria in your mouth. Any gum disease can cause inflammation and problems with blood circulation. Your dentist should warn you if you need a regular check up and of course- if you should visit your cardiologist next.

4. Swollen legs
Ankles and wrists on your feet are too puffy? Your shoes are tight and there are deep pressure marks on your skin after you take your socks off? You might have a fluid retention problem. And fluid retention problem can be an early sign of a heart disease. Fluid retentions happen when your heart does not pump strong enough and as a consequence, blood does not take away the toxic elements from the tissues. This condition is also named edema and it usually starts in ankles, feet, fingers, hands and legs.
What should you do: If swelling is becoming a problem for you, tell your doctor everything about the symptoms you are experiencing. Coronary artery disease can be a very dangerous condition and your doctor should run some tests if he suspects your swelling is linked to it. Sudden weight gain and even a loss of appetite can be early symptoms too.

5. Irregular heartbeat
Irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia feels like your heart is beating too fast, pounding too hard or even skipping some beats. If your heart feels a bit crazy, it can be an early sign of a coronary artery disease, and it can eventually lead to stroke or heart attack. Irregular heartbeats happen when the blood flow to the heart is restricted. Your body as a system is strained and that keeps the heartbeat from being coordinated. Finally, your heat is weakened by harder and faster beatings, which can lead to heart failure.
What should you do: There is nothing to worry about if your heart occasionally skips a beat, according to the doctors. But, often irregular pulses and heart beatings can be evidence of an arrhythmia. An EKG can measure the regularity of your heartbeat. Also, a stress test can measure your heart rate on a treadmill, which can show if your heart is working and pumping properly.

6. Pain in the chest or shoulder
Angina pectoris is the most common symptom of an unhealthy heart. This type of chest pain is not the same as the sharp pain of a heart attack. Angina feels more like weight or deep pain in the chest, and it gets worse with each breath.  This pain is often mistaken with heartburn or indigestion when the lower abdominal area hurts. This pain occurs because of the plaque that builds up in the coronary arteries. Heart is left without enough blood due to the plaque, and therefore the heart is “under pressure”.  Stress and exercise can worsen this condition.
What should you do: There are 17 million people living with angina, according to some studies. Patients with diagnosed angina are strongly advised by their doctors to rest whenever they feel pain in the chest or shoulder. Also, doctors often prescribe nitroglycerin because it relaxes the arteries and therefore increases the blood supply to the heart.

7. Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath can indicate a couple of risky conditions. It can be an early sign of an unhealthy heart or unhealthy lungs. Symptoms are: troubles with catching breath, pressure in chest and lungs and taking a deep breath seems like an impossible mission. If these symptoms get worse through time, this means you may have a problem with your heart. This happens because the heart is weakened and it is not pumping enough oxygen in your blood. This is why you feel like you have been chased for 10 blocks after running for one minute.
What should you do:  Not being able to catch enough air doesn’t necessarily mean you suffer from a heart disease. You might have asthma or even chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, if you are experiencing shortness of breath, you should visit your doctor and check your condition because these symptoms may indicate several dangerous conditions you might be suffering from.

Nausea, lack of appetite, weakness, sweating etc. are also some of the symptoms you may experience if you are suffering from an unhealthy heart. It is not uncommon that people mistake food poisoning, unexplained weakness or breaking out in cold sweat with a heart attack. In order to prevent more serious heart conditions, visit a cardiologist if you recognize some of these 7 symptoms as your own.

~Blog Admin~

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