Tuesday, September 16, 2014

10 Most Chilling Stories Of Modern Day Cannibalism

Original source : http://www.oddee.com
Posted : June 2013
Author : Grace Murano

1. The Australian woman who killed her ex-husband and served him as dinner for his kids
The first Australian woman to be sentenced to a natural life term without parole, Katherine Knight had a history of violence in relationships. She mashed the dentures of one of her ex-husbands and slashed the throat of another husband's eight-week-old puppy before his eyes. A heated relationship with John Charles Thomas Price became public knowledge with an "Apprehended Violence Order" that Price had filed against Knight. She stabbed Mr. Price 37 times with a butcher's knife before skinning him and hanging his hide from a meat hook in their lounge room back in 2000. She then decapitated him and put his head in a pot on the stove, baked flesh from his buttocks, and cooked vegetables and gravy as side dishes to serve to Mr. Price's children. Thankfully, police found the macabre dinner before the children arrived home.

2. The punk rock man who ate his own finger after losing it in an accident
David Playpenz of Colchester, Essex was in a motorcycle accident in which he hurt his hand. When he showed it to doctors a few days later, and one of the fingers had turned black, they said that the digit would have to be amputated. Playpenz went through with the procedure and later asked to be able to take his severed finger home. "Sure!" said the doctors, who had no idea what he planned to do next. Playpenz, who is in his 30s and is a bonded furniture maker by trade, apparently was always curious about cannibalism. “I'd always wondered what human flesh tastes like. But it's taboo. People can't go around being cannibals – that's illegal. Only then, it occurred to me that no one could haul me to court for eating my own flesh. I decided to cook it and taste it. Then my curiosity would be satisfied.” He happily photographed the event for posterity, saved the bones, and posted the whole thing on his Facebook page, including the boiled finger. Needless to say, Playpenz got mixed reactions from friends, though it seems that he was correct that he would not be charged with any crime.

3. The cannibal who found his victim online
The chilling story of how a cannibal tracked down a willing victim and ate him is enough to scare you from using the Internet. Armin Miewes had nurtured a dream of killing and eating a human since he was 12. He said he once imagined putting a schoolfriend onto a kebab spit "and slowly roasting him." It took 29 years and 430 e-mail contacts to make his dream come true. He searched for willing victims in chatrooms such as Gourmet, Cannibal Cafi and Eaten Up, advertising for "young, well-built men aged 18 to 30 to slaughter." The 41-year-old computer expert eventually made contact with Bernd Brandes, 43. The Berliner, who was also a computer technician, had sold his car, written a will, and taken the day off work to sort out what he called "a personal matter." He went to Miewes' home in Rotenburg, central Germany, where the pair agreed to cut off Brandes' penis. Miewes cooked it with garlic, salt, and pepper in a frying pan before both men ate it. Then he videotaped himself stabbing Brandes in the chest with a 12 in. knife. "It was an indescribable feeling for me," he told police in a confession. Later, he filleted 65 lb. of flesh from the body, which he labelled as "rump, steak, fillet, ham and bacon." He stored the parts in his freezer for seven months, occasionally removing fillets to barbecue in his garden. His first meal was a "thigh steak" cooked in garlic and Muscat wine, served with deep-fried potato balls, Brussel sprouts, and washed down with a South African cabernet. "The flesh tasted so much like pork I can't tell you," Miewes told police. Officers who searched his library found human cookery books among a collection of Walt Disney videos. They included recipes for "penis in red wine" and "breaded young man's liver." Miewes, who was arrested after a tip-off from another contact who got cold feet, will be tried for murder, since cannibalism is not a crime in Germany.

4. The naked cannibal who was killed by Police while chewing another man's face
In 2012, it was reported how a naked man was shot and killed by police in Miami, Florida while eating the face of another naked man who was lying next to him on a freeway off-ramp in a horrific incident described by one witness as "the most gruesome thing I have ever seen in my life." Rudy Eugene was killed by a city police officer after refusing to back away from Ronald Poppo, who was left fighting for his life in a hospital after suffering critical injuries. The ghoulish incident took place near the MacArthur Causeway on the doorstep of the Miami Herald, with the newspaper's security cameras filming the event. A police officer approached the man after being flagged down by a passer-by and then ordered him to move away from the man whose face he was eating. After he refused to acknowledge the officer's warning he opened fire, with witnesses reporting at least six shots fired. Witness Larry Vega said, "I told him to get off, and the guy just kept eating the other guy away." Describing the scene after the police officer issued his warning, he added:,"The guy just stood, his head up like that, with pieces of flesh in his mouth. And he growled." After the officer was hailed as a "hero" by his colleagues, Sergeant Altarr Williams, supervisor of Miami Police's homicide unit, said individuals did not have to be armed to be dangerous.

5. The German tourist who was "eaten by cannibals" on a Pacific island
Stefan Ramin, a 40-year-old German tourist who was visiting the island of Nuku Hiva in the Pacific Ocean, has disappeared and his remains are believed to have been found by a campfire belonging to a tribe accused of being cannibals. Mr. Ramin had stopped on the island as part of a sailing expedition with his 37-year-old girlfriend Heike Dorsch in 2011. He met a guide, Henri Haiti, who took him on a goat hunt – a popular tradition on Nuku Hiva, which is 930 miles northeast of Tahiti and close to the equator. However, when the guide returned alone he told Ms. Dorsch that there had been an accident, before allegedly attacking her and tying her to a tree. Ms. Dorsch managed to escape and raise the alarm with local law enforcement, who started looking for clues as to the guide's whereabouts, while DNA tests were conducted on what are thought to be human remains near a campfire. Among the findings are what are thought to be human bones, teeth, a skull jawbone and partially melted metal which are believed to be fillings.

6. The Japanese man who cooked and served his own genitals for $250 per plate
In 2012, a Japanese man had his genitals removed and then seasoned them before cooking them for five paying dinner party guests. Mao Sugiyama, 22, who is asexual, had voluntarily undergone surgery to have them removed. However, the illustrator took his frozen penis and scrotum home from the hospital and organized a grim party. He charged guests around $250 per person to eat his severed genitalia in Tokyo, Japan. They were garnished with mushrooms and parsley. Before tucking into dinner, guests sat down to listen to a piano recital and take part in a panel discussion. Mao, who goes by the nickname HC, had initially considered eating his own penis – but decided to serve them up, instead. He cooked the genitalia himself as he was supervised by a chef. In a Tweet, he offered to cook his penis for a guest for 100,000 yen. However, he ultimately decided to split the "meal" between six guests. In total, around 70 people attended the event in the Suginami ward in Tokyo. While five people tucked into Mao Sugiyama's genitalia, the rest of them ate beef or crocodile. The people who ate his genitalia were a 30-year-old couple, a 22-year-old woman, a 32-year-old man, and Shigenobu Matsuzawa, 29, an event planner.

7. The Russian cannibals who ate their own brother
In 2009, two cannibals had been feasting on the remains of their brother for six months in an effort to hide his murder. The brothers, identified only as 28-year-old Timur and 23-year-old Marat, admitted to killing their older brother Rafis and then eating him in the central Russian city of Perm. Police grew suspicious when the brothers reported Rafis missing but were vague about giving details of their brother. After raiding the house of the brothers, police discovered the skeleton of Rafis, which the brothers had stripped bare and buried in the garden. Timur said that he ate his brother because he couldn't face going back to prison, where he had served ten years for murdering his next door neighbor. "Yes, we've decided to eat him. I did not want to return behind the bars, so we have cut off his head and buried it and the body have cut in parts and kept in a refrigerator," Timur reportedly said. "We have been cooking and eating his meat for six months," he added. The 28-year-old said he blamed his brother Rafis for his last spell in jail, after he reported him to police for the murder. Timur also said that the youngest brother, Marat, had sided with him in the fight.

8. The two man who ate their dead friend after getting lost in Siberia
Waving goodbye to their families, four men were in high spirits as they loaded their jeep and set off on a much-anticipated adventure holiday. Their destination was a land from another time, a largely unpenetrated corner of eastern Siberia roamed by bears and wolves, where sightings of yeti-like beasts are not uncommon and only the hardiest of explorers dare to tread. What happened next to the four Russian travelers is a mystery that is only just beginning to yield its secrets. The story of their four-month ordeal has gripped and appalled readers in equal measure. Two of the men returned alive, one was still missing, while the fourth man – 44-year-old Andrei Kurochina – was found dead under strange circumstances. At first, it was assumed that he had simply perished in the extreme cold. But then the shocking truth began to emerge. Police discovered that he had been cannibalized and that his flesh was quite possibly eaten by his best friend, Alexei Gorulenko, and fellow adventurer Alexander Abdullayev, to keep themselves alive. Abdullayev, 37, insists that they ate Kurochina only after he died from natural causes. However, police suspect otherwise and have launched a murder investigation.

9. The chef who slow cooked his wife
On the night of October 18, 2009, David Viens and his wife Dawn had a terrible argument. Finally fed up, he taped her mouth and bound her feet. He claims it was to prevent her from “driving around wasted, whacked out on coke, and drinking.” He panicked to find out the next day that Dawn had died in the bound and gagged position. That's absolutely terrible… but that's not even half of the story. You see, instead of simply calling the police and turning himself in, David came up with a disgusting way to dispose of the body. At the time of Dawn's untimely death, David was the chef and owner of Thyme Cafe in Torrance, California, located in the South Bay of Los Angeles. In an interview with detectives, David simply explains, “I just slowly cooked it, and I ended up cooking her for four days.” David packed his wife's 105 pound body into a container, using heavy weights to keep it submerged in the boiling water. He mixed the corpse with other various kitchen waste and poured everything down the grease pit located in Thyme Cafe's kitchen. The other remains that would not cook down were packed away into trash bags and thrown away. The only thing that remained of Dawn was her skull. David explained in the interview, “That's the only thing I didn't want to get rid of in case I wanted to leave it somewhere.” Uh… so where's the skull? He claimed that he put it in his mother's attic; but when investigators combed the location later that day, they found nothing. This is obviously not the first time investigators have torn apart locations close to David in search of evidence. Back in 2011, Thyme Cafe was dug up and searched, but nothing was found. Now we know exactly why police were unable to find Dawn's remains. She was slow-cooked to mush and dumped down the drain. David's voice was alarmingly calm while he gave the interview, which was taken in March 2011 and used in court during the murder trial. David listened to the tape in the courtroom along with the jurors, who appeared stunned and disgusted at the tape-recorded interview. The interviews were taken while David was in the hospital after attempting suicide when he learned that he was a suspect in Dawn's disappearance. Apparently, he jumped off an 80-foot cliff… because that's totally the behavior of an innocent man.

10. The cannibal mom who fed her son's flesh to relatives
In 2008, an eight year-old boy was skinned and his flesh was fed to cannibal relatives after his mother kept him locked in a cellar. Evil Klara Mauerova, a member of a sinister religious cult, wept in court as she admitted torturing her son, Ondrej, and his ten year-old brother, Jakub. The court also heard allegations that relatives had partially skinned eight-year-old Ondrej and then eaten the raw human flesh. The two boys told how their mother and relatives had stubbed cigarettes out on their bare skin, whipped them with belts and tried to drown them. The sick abuse was discovered when a man in Brno, in the Czech Republic, installed a TV baby monitor to keep watch on his newborn child. However, it picked up a signal from an identical monitor next door that showed one of the victims beaten, naked, and chained in a cellar. Mauerova is understood to have installed it so she could gloat over her victims' suffering from the comfort of her kitchen. Police were called, and the boy and his brother, as well as what appeared to be a 13-year-old girl, were freed. At that time, police did not realize that the 13-year-old, who had been formally adopted, was really 34-year-old Barbora Skrlova, one of the children's torturers. Mauerova has admitted that she abused her children, but she said she had been manipulated by her sisters Katerina and Skrlova. All three of them had been part of a cult called the Grail Movement, which claims to have hundreds of followers in Britain as well as tens of thousands of others worldwide.

~Blog Admin~

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