Sunday, September 21, 2014

10 Astonishing Underground Places

Original source :
Posted :November 2013
Author : Sonic070

When we think of the world underground visions of mysterious places, mystical caverns, and the Satan himself springs to mind. The most unusual places you can visit below ground can be found in this list of 10 astonishing underground places.

10 Coober Pedy, South Australia
Hidden below the scorching desert sun, there is a popular destination that was once the foremost producer of valuable opal gems. Coober Pedy was the location where many gem stones originate.
What’s really intriguing is that the local residents have transformed the mines into a town which comprised of perfume stores, hotels and even a local chapel.

9 Paris, France
Being one of the most famous capital cities in the world, it would surprise most to find hoards of human bones and skulls in a myriad of underground labyrinths. This is due to prevalence of disease over the years where many human remains were placed below the ground for heath reason

8 Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear Bunker, USA
Once an anti nuclear attack control center, this sprawling mass of defensive tunnels housed hundreds of military workers and security personnel. Today, this Cheyenne Mountain bunker serves as a relic of the past.

7 Derinkuyu, Turkey
This ancient metropolis was virtually an underground city built centuries ago. It made use of the pliable volcanic rock to shape up chambers and tunnels into a multi leveled maze. The original purpose of the stronghold is lost and open for discussion as Cristian, Roman and Byzantine Empires have come and gone.

6 Petra, Jordan
Possibly the most iconic image of an underground entrance is the Treasury and Monastery that is built into deep crevices in the Jordanian desert. The golden sand stone facade has countless images and photos but inside lays hundreds of tunnels and rooms dug by hand into the rock creating what seems like a miniature city.

5 Beijing, China
During the Sino-Soviet dispute, Mao Zedong protected the socialist government by building mass of underground tunnels in 1969 that are still revamping today. It was built to cater around 40% of Beijing’s population complete with barbers shops, schools and a skating rink. Nowadays, these underground tunnels have a serviceable youth hostel and are a minor tourist attraction.

4 Amsterdam, Netherlands
Not to be outdone by other cities, Amsterdam, the Dutch Capital is planning a massive underground city for shopping and parking which will be completed in 2018. The Dutch do not shy away from an engineering challenge as this feat requires the need to dig below many canals since the ground is below sea level.

3 Wieliczka Salt Mine, Poland
A massive salt mine production had been operating since 13th century in South Poland but was shut down in 2007. This former Nazi munitions storage facility has changed for the better. It currently houses statues, chapels and even a cathedral. The underground chandeliers there are a certain treat.

2 Catacombs, Rome
The Italian Eternal City is well known for its breathtaking beauty and impressive Roman Architecture. What some tourist are unaware is that, right under their feet is a sprawling network of water management and drainage systems as well as plenty of room making up secret chapels and thousands of elegant family mausoleums.

1 Kish, Iran
This underground city is a breathtaking sight for tourist and diners alike as it was craved out of sheer rock. This 2,500 year old marvel is about to get a new facelift and expansion into shops, restaurants and houses within the 10, 000 sq m complex.

~Blog Admin~

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