Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rescued Goat Refused To Eat For 6 Days

Original source :
Posted : June 2014
Author : the admin

After being rescued, this goat refused to eat for 6 days. What brought back his spirit is so TOUCHING!!!

Animal Place Sanctuary took a rescued goat from an animal hoarding case in southern California. His name is Mr.G. He had lived in neglect for years. Another sanctuary took in the other animals from the place where Mr.G. used to live. After arriving the goat stopped eating. He laid in the corner of his stall, refusing to eat or move for 6 days. He was extremely depressed. Fortunately, the keepers soon realized what was the problem and were quick to save the situation. Your heart will melt when you find out what did the goat need to lift his spirits. It is amazing and so touching! Some animals just have the biggest hearts. Enjoy this wonderful story and don’t forget to share it with your loved ones.

Have you ever thought that goats could be so emotional?! Being neglected for years, this friendship was all Mr.G. had, that’s why parting with his best friend was so heartbreaking for him. On May 28th, 2014 Mr. G and Jellybean moved up from our 60-acre Rescue Ranch adoption center to our 600-acre permanent sanctuary in Grass Valley where they will live out their lives. I am so glad that there are sanctuaries like Animal Place. It rescues farmed animals from slaughter, provides them with permanent homes, and promotes veganism. They operate a 600-acre sanctuary in Grass Valley, California and a 60-acre adoption center in Vacaville. Animal Place is the oldest and largest sanctuary for farmed animals in the US. Sanctuary strives to create meaningful change for farmed animals through advocacy and education. Thousands of visitors flock to the sanctuary each year to learn more about the animals and farming. Volunteer classes introduce folks to the more intense ways people can help. Their mission is simple – to extend compassion to all life!

~Blog Admin~

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