Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dumbest Criminals of All Time (Part 2)

We continue with this 4-parts series with another 30 criminals worth mentioning. This is the second of a 4-part series, a total of 108 criminals in all.... 

When Leigh Ann Moody, a Jacksonville, Ala., veterinary assistant arrived at work in April 2010, she made a bizarre discovery. It wasn't a stray animal. Moody allegedly found Roman Angel Salinas (pictured) passed out under a blanket in the veterinary clinic's break room. Police say Salinas broke in and shot himself up with Xylazine, an animal sedative. He also made himself at home, eating food from the office refrigerator and watching porn on a laptop, according to cops. "He took one of our laptops and was watching porn and taking pictures of it with our camera," Moody said. "The laptop was closed at first, and we thought maybe he had been looking up how to take the drugs, but then we opened it, and nope! That's not what he was doing." But shooting up proved to be the dumbest move of all, because, according to Moody, the Xylazine could have easily killed him. Salinas, 18, is charged with burglary.

Elmer R. Daniels crashed his van into another vehicle in April 2010 and decided to kick back and take a load off by drinking a beer while a state trooper finished up the paperwork, according to Florida Highway Patrol. Daniels (pictured) refused to perform any field sobriety tests and allegedly admitted that he was drinking in the van and had sucked back a couple of cold ones. The incident report also claimed Daniels tried to switch seats with his wife after the crash, but the passengers in the other car fingered him as the driver Daniels was charged with eight counts of driving under the influence with property damage or injury and one count of driving while his license was suspended as a second offense.

As a general rule, no one is happy to receive a parking ticket, but Alexander J. Bailey, of Medinah, Ill., allegedly took that dissatisfaction to a whole new level. According to the village employee who processes citations, Bailey, 22, returned his parking summons "smeared with feces." Police charged Bailey with disorderly conduct. Bailey was released after paying a $5,000 bond.

Shane Morgan Hall (pictured) was caught by the owner of a gas station in North East, Md., dangling from the duct of the station's ventilation system. Police say Hall crawled through the vent, got stuck and set off a fire extinguisher which sprayed powder all over the store. Hall allegedly told officers he was playing hide and seek on the roof with some other adults and decided to go in the ventilation system, and the other players eventually gave up looking. The owner noticed something was amiss when he opened the store and spotted a pair of feet dangling from the bottom of the duct. Hall, 21, also reportedly gave the police two false names.He is charged with two counts of submitting false information to a police officer, two counts of burglary and malicious destruction of property. He was also wanted for failing to appear for a drug count.

Lawrence Gallegos (pictured) and another man took off running when an Albuquerque, N.M., homeowner allegedly caught them trying to steal his 42-inch television. But Gallegos had left his backpack at the scene of the crime and actually had the nerve to come back to claim it, explaining to the homeowner it contained important paperwork, according to police. The homeowner gave the suspect his backpack. But, the "important paperwork" had already fallen out: documents related to Gallegos' stay in the nearby Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center. He was arrested nearby a short time later.

Patricia Ann Cox, 46, set fire to a Lewiston, Me., police station in order to be near her boyfriend, who was in jail on drunk driving charges, say police in the Pine Tree State. In April 2010, Cox (pictured) allegedly used a lighter to set fire to a poster depicting a chart of common crimes. After they put out the blaze, police reviewed surveillance footage and decided Cox was the fire-starter with love in her heart. They found her at the county jail, visiting Allen R. Dunton, her boyfriend. Cox has been charged with arson. 

Juan Pablo Vargas-Sanabria (pictured, left) and Damian Miguel Regalado, (right) were arrested in March 2010 for allegedly trying rob a man at knife-point in the parking lot of a convenience store in southern Oregon. According to the victim, one of them pulled out a knife and demanded money. Rather than give in, the man ran back into the store and called the police, leaving the failed muggers running away into the night. When the police arrived at the parking lot to investigate, one of the witnesses being questioned spotted Vargas-Sanabria and Regalado getting into their car, which police say they had left at the scene of the crime and were returning to pick up, thus defeating the purpose of the term "getaway car." The pair was held on one million dollar bail in the Jackson County Jail, charged with first degree attempted robbery.

In March 2010, Daniel Lee (pictured) allegedly took off all of his clothes, donned a rubber mask and dashed through the aisles of a supermarket, according to police in Kingsport, Tenn. Why on earth did the 22-year-old Lee do it? Because he was bored. According to the police report, after eluding several store employees and scooting out of the grocery store, Lee was located and arrested in the bathroom of a nearby Hardee's. Employees told the police Lee had entered the restaurant wearing nothing but an orange hoodie (possibly pictured) and asked for "any piece of clothing."

In March 2010, Patrica D. Edwards, 51, walked into a bank, handed a teller a note and left with cash before being apprehended three days later, according to police in DeLand, Fla. But it's the motive that makes this story. In a phone interview from jail, Edwards, pictured at left on the bank's cameras, told a TV reporter that robbing the bank was on her "bucket list" adding, "Because I think everybody should have a bucket list of things they want to do before they expire." Edwards was held at the Volusia County Jail on two counts of robbery.

After being pulled over for driving erratically in Martin County, Fla., in March 2010, Douglas Malcolm Macarthur, pictured, was asked to produce his license, but is said to have done something unconventional instead. He ignored the request and instead accepted a cup of vodka that was offered to him by one of his passengers, sipping it as the officer watched, according to a sheriff's deputy from Palm Beach County. Macarthur, 40, then went for the gold by allegedly crawling under the deputy's car, and, when extracted, trying to bite the officer. He was taken to jail on a DUI and other charges.  

While a man was trying to get sex from a hooker, Charles Hart, pictured, pulled up in what appeared to be an unmarked police car with a siren and lights flashing, which scared away the john... But Hart, 37, was actually impersonating a police officer when he attempted to coerce this particular lady of the night; and she turned out to be a real undercover vice detective, according to cops in Louisville, Ky. Hart was arrested when the real police established he was an impersonator.

John White, pictured, hit a trifecta of stupidity this week, according to police in Orem, Utah. He allegedly stole two telephones from a gas station attendant and fled. White accidentally left a slip of paper with an address written on it at the crime scene, say police. They headed to that location to see if they might find White there. But on the drive over, a young man flagged down their squad car to ask for directions to the very same address where they were heading. A closer look at the lost stranger revealed him to be none other than John White. He was allegedly carrying pot, not to mention the stolen cell phone, when he was caught asking for directions.

Albert Bailey, pictured, allegedly phoned the People's United Bank in Fairfield, Conn., to inform them that he was about to rob the branch and demanding tellers prepare a bag of money to make his hold-up easier. The workers then called police, who arrested the pair in the parking lot when they arrived to collect the cash about 10 minutes later. Police described the suspects as "not too bright." 

In January 2010, Sylvester Jiles pulled what may be the dumb move of the century by trying to break into the Brevard County Jail in Florida. He was caught hopping a barbed wire fence and hospitalized with severe cuts. Jiles had been released from prison after serving a sentence for manslaughter, but he was reportedly terrified of retaliation from the victim's family. So he wanted back in. In the end Jiles, 25, got his wish. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for violating his probation.

Carly A. Houston, pictured, earned herself a police escort to jail over the weekend after cops say she cursed, threatened, and refused to pay a cab driver. When the officer on duty gave the Chicago woman a cell phone to make her one call, Houston allegedly dialed 911 to complain she was "trapped inside the detention facility." Houston, 29, was charged with theft of labor or services, criminal trespass and disorderly conduct. She was also charged with making a false 911 report.

Dustin Nelson, pictured, was found drunk, clad in a kilt and passed out in a Racine, Wis., store after a St. Patrick's Day celebration, according to police. Nelson, 24, allegedly kicked in the glass and let himself into Common Scents on Main Street Saturday night, after a day of heavy partying. A witness called police, and when officers arrived they ordered Nelson to put his hands up. But cops say he flipped them the bird instead and went right back to sleep. His mug shot, alas, doesn't include his kilt. Nelson is charged with misdemeanor criminal damage of property.

Sheriff's deputies at the Gwinnett County Jail in Georgia busted Donna Sue Harber, pictured, for undressing and exposing her private parts to an inmate she was visiting. Harber, 38, is charged with public indecency.
Meanwhile, in an unrelated incident at the same facility on the same day, Kinnith Ray Devrick, pictured below, is said to have signed in at the jail's visiting day, when he allegedly belonged there himself. Police say Devrick, 33, was wanted on four outstanding warrants including possession of a weapon during the commission of a crime and possession of marijuana. Reportedly, Devrick's audacity didn't end there: he also allegedly attempted to smuggle eight ecstasy pills into the visitation booth. He was arrested on the spot. 

When Lashamma Lawson of Albany, Ga., went to the Dougherty County Jail in March 2010, she was arrested for carrying 10 bags of marijuana in her purse, according to deputies. Lawson, 24, was going to the jail to pick up her criminal background check for a new job when officers searched her purse at a security checkpoint. Lawson said she forgot the pot was in there, according to the incident report. Lawson was charged with possession of marijuana and crossing a guard line with a controlled substance.

Arizona police say Jarad Desanti, George Brabakos and Robert Jeter, pictured left to right, staged an elaborate plan to steal 200 gallons of gasoline. The threesome allegedly used a van equipped with a false floor, siphoning equipment and a 450 gallon tank outside a Circle K in Phoenix, Ariz. The van, however, was leaking fuel and when an alarm at the station sounded, a clerk called police. When police arrived on the scene they reportedly found a gun and the three men. Two of them were siphoning gas. Jeter was in the van passed out from the fumes. The three men are charged with armed burglary.

Denise Rutledge, pictured, was highly intoxicated when she drove to a jail in February 2010 to request a conjugal visit with an inmate, according to police in Flagler County, Fla. First of all, the jail doesn't allow conjugal visits, and secondly, deputies say, Rutledge was acting oddly enough to merit following her to the parking lot where she reportedly failed a field sobriety test. Her blood-alcohol content was reportedly a .256, more than three times Florida's legal limit. Rutledge, 45, was charged with DUI and later released on $500 bond.

Irving Lloyd, pictured, allegedly robbed his former workplace but made so many dumb mistakes that he was a cinch to nab, according to cops in San Antonio, Texas. Lloyd allegedly strolled into the Staffing Specialist office where he used to work, saw the owner, went into the restroom and came out wearing a mask. He then reportedly pulled a gun and grabbed a stack of blank checks. He then tried to cash the stolen checks using his real name, police said. Staffing Specialist had recently fired Lloyd for forgery.

Angel Nieves, a sworn juror, was returning to an Alabama courthouse after a smoke break earlier in February 2010, when he placed a small plastic bag of pot in the change tray before going through the metal detector, according to Houston County Sheriff's deputies. Nieves, 42, was arrested on the spot and charged with misdemeanor second-degree possession of marijuana. "It's amazing what people throw in that tray," one deputy said. He was excused from jury duty. Officials also discovered that Nieves is a registered sex offender. Nieves is now permanently removed from the list of qualified people to serve as jurors.

A dumb move by a Florida Highway Patrol trooper has left him on the wrong side of the law. Prosecutors say Paul C. Lawrence, pictured, issued hundreds of bogus tickets to unsuspecting drivers in an effort to boost his numbers to the bosses. He allegedly used information from drivers he had stopped in the past to draft new fake tickets. Authorities became suspicious when dozens of ticketed drivers started to lose their licenses and complain they didn't know anything about the citations. Many were able to prove that they were somewhere else at the time. Over 200 traffic citations Lawrence had issued since November 2009 were dismissed and the FHP has set-up a central hotline for people filing complaints regarding phony tickets. Lawrence, 38, was charged with 22 counts of official misconduct. In July 2010, he was found guilty and sentenced to 364 days in jail. The FHP maintains that their officers do not work on a quota system.

A Sullivan County, Tenn., sheriff's deputy is in the doghouse, both literally and figuratively, after getting arrested on a drunken driving charge in January 2010. A Florida Highway Patrol officer reportedly found Samuel Bledsoe, pictured, vomiting in his car with a blown out tire. The trooper said Bledsoe could barely stand and he had to explain a field sobriety test to him 18 times, a test which he ultimately failed. Meanwhile, according to the report, Bledsoe was trying to explain to the trooper he was a fellow officer, and demanded a ride home. When the trooper arrested him instead, Bledsoe allegedly became so belligerent, the officer had no choice but to put him in the "K-9" cage of his cruiser to take him to the hospital. Bledsoe allegedly told the trooper, "I hope you are proud of yourself for this and costing me my job." Bledsoe, 47, was indeed fired.

Kenneth Hook, pictured, may have thought he was being very clever when Prescott, Ariz., police pulled him over and arrested him on suspicion of DUI. He allegedly told officers he was suffering from a medical condition related to a seizure disorder, so they took him to the hospital. But when the arresting officer returned to the hospital to finish investigating, Hook, 41, was reportedly leaving the emergency room wearing only his hospital gown. According to police, Hook then attempted to flee through a barbed wire fence, ripped the hospital gown off his body and then fled naked through an open field. The officer caught up with him a short time later.

Jose Armando Rodrigues, pictured, 32, allegedly called 911 twice from his cell phone to claim someone was trying to kill him. But in reality, police say, he was in a friend's car that had broken down on I-95 and got tired of waiting. According to Boyton Beach, Fla., police, Rodrigues admitted. "OK, I will tell you the truth. Nothing happened. I just want a ride to Miami and figured you would give me one." Rodrigues is charged with abuse of the 911 system and giving false information about a crime to a law enforcement officer.

In January 2010, a suspected burglar in Florida kicked his escape attempt up a notch by using a cutting-edge mode of transportation: a pedal boat. According to the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, Christopher Schaumburger, pictured, attempted to break into several homes in Palm Harbor but after one of the residents gave chase, Schaumburger stripped down to his underwear, hopped on a pedal boat and tried to escape across Lake Tarpon. The boat was broken, though, and started to take on water. So Schaumburger called 911 and told the sheriff's office of his plight. One witness said, "He was screaming like he was scared to death. I don't think he knew how to swim." When deputies got to Schaumburger, 20, he was allegedly on the phone telling a dispatcher he was trapped in a pedal boat and could not make it to shore. Schaumburger was charged with armed burglary, attempted burglary and aggravated assault.  

Jonas Garcia Leon Jr., pictured, was arrested at his home Sunday night about 15 minutes after he allegedly robbed the Clark's Market grocery store in Aspen, Colo. Police say Leon entered Clark's at 8:44 p.m. and approached a cashier demanding money. Despite a yellow bandanna over Leon's face, the cashier and two other employees immediately recognized him, a former employee of the store whom they knew as "Junior." The workers initially ignored Leon, but when he allegedly pulled a handgun out of his pocket, the cashier forked over the dough. When the suspect ran away, the employees called police, identified the robber and told investigators where he lived. Police went to Leon's home where they found him still sweating. He consented to a search and officers found a gun plus $1,000 in a Clark's grocery bag. Leon, 28, admitted to the crime, cops say.

Robert Smith, 32, allegedly phoned Marlborough, N.H., police in January 2010 to report he had given $150 to Jeanna Mecure, pictured right, and a "third party" to have sex with him, but she hadn't lived up to her end of the bargain and he wanted his money back. Mecure, 22, was also arrested and charged with prostitution. 

After nearly four months on the lam, Facebook phenom Craig "Lazie" Lynch, pictured, was officially "blocked." He was finally nabbed by Scotland Yard in Kent in January 2010. In September 2009, Lynch, 28, had escaped from a U.K. prison where he had been serving a seven-year jail term for aggravated burglary. He had become a global internet sensation, mocking officers with updated pictures and clues to his whereabouts on the popular social networking site. He posted a Christmas picture last month showing him wearing a strand of tinsel, holding a cooked turkey and flipping the bird. Lynch's antics racked him up over 40,000 friends on Facebook, inspired other fan sites, a series of t-shirts and a tribute song.

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