Wednesday, June 5, 2013

10 Truths About Cigarettes

It is very rightly said that cigarette has fire at one end and a fool at the other. Whenever you light a cigarette you actually are putting your health, your life expectancy and your money on fire. Why do people smoke? Answer to this question lies in one line, which has been part of Marlboro’s advertisements over the years and the line says “come for the style stay for the taste”.  It is true that initially people start smoking to look cool, stylish and sexy and gradually they become dependent on smoking both physically and psychologically because nicotine is a highly addictive substance. Another myth about smoking is that it is a sign of manhood as is depicted in another Marlboro ad saying ” where there’s a man there’s a Marlboro” on the contrary smoking actually kills the manhood in a man including his libido and sexual capability and sexual drive.
Here are 10 interesting facts about smoking, most of which most probably are not known to most of you.

10. Cigarette industries earn about $400 billion a year as cigarette is the most traded item in the world.

9. Out of total cigarettes sold all over the world, 25 % are smuggled.

8. 70 % of  the cigarette market is owned by major brands like Marlboro, Camel, Kent and Kool.

7. The American cigarette manufacturers sell much less cigarettes to Americans as compared to the number that they sell to non-Americans.

6. Urea, which is excreted in urine is used to flavor the cigarettes.

5. Additional flavors are mixed in blended tobacco with the help of toppings of substances like, clove, licorice, orange oil, apricot stone, lime oil, lavender oil, cocoa and many others.

4. Legally tobacco can not be sold to people younger than 18 years in most of countries except Japan where legal age for the purpose is 20 years.

3. There is a myth that smoking helps in digestion. In fact smoking slows digestion by diverting the blood towards other organs, away from intestine where it is required for digestion.

2. Within 10 seconds of inhalation of cigarette smoke, nicotine reaches every part of body including brain.

1. It has been proven by research that smokers’ life expectancy is reduced by 14 years.

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