Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Top 10 Ridiculous Technology Lawsuits Ever

by Warnor

Whether you like reading the press online or you enjoy a traditional newspaper, you probably read about plenty of unusual news. A weird accident, an amazing pet or perhaps an invention can definitely make your day. Most of these things are impressive because they are unique. They may seem funny, but they can be extremely important to the main heroes. The same goes for the most unusual lawsuits in the world. If you think they were funny, think twice. The people who started them actually believed in their chances. Here are the 10 most ridiculous lawsuits from the technology industry.

10. Mafia wars in real life
Facebook can now change lives, no matter how unusual it seems for a social network, and if you are one of the Facebook game addicts, you know how far things can go. Cheryl Gray was in a similar situation. Although she lives in Michigan, she got very fond of a man from Washington – Wylie Iwan – while playing Mafia Wars. When she decided to visit him, things were not really like she expected, therefore, she asked for more than $8,000 in a trial. That is what she estimated for the expenses on her relationship, both in game and in real life.
Result: Failed

9. Intel Radiation
In 2002, Intel had to face the anger of a Dutch lady. She claimed that she got radiated due to the constant exposure to the Pentium processor that caused a multitude of medical affections. The victim didn’t attack the computer manufacturer only, but also the government, which was responsible for importing the units.
Result: Case ignored

8. Star wars affect Sony
Star Wars Galaxies was a highly appreciated MMOG until 2010, when the game was locked and closed. When Sony announced the tragic end, hundreds of fans gathered together and filed a lawsuit against a Sony partner – Deathstar – for the frustration they have been through.

Result: Case ignored

7. When Twitter sneaks
Amalda Bonnen used to have a normal life until she complained on Twitter about how tough sleeping in a moldy home is. She also included the real estate company’s name. It was an innocent tweet, just like most people complain about particular things. However, the tweet reached to her landlord and the company began a $50,000 lawsuit in 2009 for destroying company’s reputation.
Result: Irrelevant proof

6. When Batman attacks Batman
If you think Batman is a superhero, think twice. In fact, the Gotham City superhero is pretty young compared to the Turkish city Batman. The mayor felt offended because the movie director – Christopher Nolan – didn’t consider the royalties required in the process. He was surprised by the success The Dark Night had, so he began a lawsuit against that particular episode.
Result: Case ignored

5. Personal conscience is better than Google Maps
Lauren Rosenberg ended up in a small car accident in 2009. According to her statement, it was not her fault. In fact, the innocent lady was following Google Maps in order to reach to some friends, but the application gave her inappropriate directions. Therefore, she initiated a lawsuit against Google for leading her to a life threatening accident.
Result: Case ignored

4. Unexpected auto complete suggestions
The auto complete suggestions Google relies on can be very annoying for some people, but just as helpful for others. However, the search engine giant lost a lot of money due to this problem. A business owner claimed and won a lawsuit against Google, after his name was associated with the word ‘rapist’ and ‘scam’. Some similar problems occurred in Ireland and Argentina.
Result: Successful

3. How Lindsay Lohan makes money
Lindsay Lohan felt quite offended when a Super Bowl ad presented some funny babies talking about a “milkaholic” named Lindsay. The star thought it was a direct reference to some of the scandals in her past, since she was known for having a few problems with the alcohol. She asked the respective company for $100 million, but in the end, the two parts reached to an agreement, so Lindsay probably got some money for the indirect insult.
Result: Partially successful

2. How to kill your reputation online
Have you ever thought that a simple online flame or a negative review you post on a website might lead to a lawsuit? A farmer from Florida definitely cared about his name when he saw a negative post regarding his work on a message board. He asked for $800 million from the business hosting the comment. This act definitely gave him a lot more negative reviews.
Result: Failed

1. Uneducated Parents vs. technology
The Wi-Fi technologies in schools were first implemented in Chicago, back in 1995. It was definitely a starting point. However, most parents thought differently. After a series of analyses, they figured out that the Wi-Fi routers are harming their kids through the invisible waves. They filed different lawsuits in order to stop Schools from using Wifi, but most of them were unsuccessful. Besides, plenty of other schools adopted the Wi-Fi since then.
Result: Failed

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