Thursday, August 2, 2012

10 Things To Do When You Are Bored

It happens to all of that sometimes, for no apparent reason at all, we get so bored that it becomes a headache. Remember those times when you are sitting idle in the living room and you are not in the slightest of mood to watch the television, you do not feel like reading a book, or going out with friends, or being a saint and cleaning your room up, or at least a part of  your messy wardrobes. All of those when the brain keeps sending signals that “hey! man! you are bored” Sparta! So what do you usually do? Most of us, including myself I proudly admit, just doze off and wake up a good number of hours later. But the other unlucky population out there who cannot fall asleep at the mere mention of the word, need proper guidelines as to how they should spend that time or should I say, guidelines to PROPERLY waste the said time. Well do I have a list for all you folks out there. Read on to find out some of the most exciting things you can do with all of that boring time.

10. See how long you can hold a note
OK so the amusement potential that this little thing might have rounds to about 20 minutes at max. But it surely is a sure shot way to get a few laughs out of your otherwise boring existence. If you do this with a friend it might seem more amusing. What you need to do is to take a deep, very deep breath and make a noise. Hold this for as long as you can. You can start scoring by how long the original note is held and how funny the ending sound was. Seems pretty ridiculous but come on guys, try it!

9. Use your secret mind power
Another one that might amuse you for a total of perhaps 10 minutes, more if you turn out to be very lucky. So what you do is you start walking out in public. Try imagining that you have super human skills and using those try to make other people obey you. You can try out commands like “Drop your bag”, “slip”, “Fall” (you are a very mean super human being). As per the law of averages, at least one out of a few are bound to happen. It is really exciting to see something actually happening as per you will but it requires patience. Quite an interesting time waster I guarantee.

8. Pretend you’re a robot
This one has a pretty small amusement range that of about 3 minutes or so but oh well! So here is the trick, annoy the hell out of the people around you by pretending to be a robot. You can even make it more annoying by adding those computerized sounds to all of you amusement which of course you will be creating solely with your mouth. This particular bit has been known to drive people over the edge. Ah what fun!

7. Scratch yourself
Have you ever seen animals scratching themselves and continuing to do so for an elongated period of time. Well since you have nothing else to do, why not trying the same and judging how it feels eh? Not bad amusement for say 3 minutes. Please beware that we are NOT pushing you to peel your skin off. Just itsy bitsy scratching.

6. Rate passers-by
Another one for which the amusement can last as you sanity allows. You need to go out on the pavement again and start rating passers-by on the way they look, their dressing sense, their choice of shoes and of course, do it silently and not out loud unless you dream of being beaten to death.

5. Pretend to be a car
The annoyance levels of this little trick rates equal to those a human robot but since you can accidentally fail your brakes and then banned into things and even people, this becomes more of a nuisance as times passes. All the more fun I say! Try it for yourself to find out how, you might end your boredom right there and then.

4. Look at something for a while, shut eyes, study after image
This one requires patience and if you are THAT free, well why not. Say that you are not in the mood to go out and disturb the innocent public, what you can do is sit indoors and try this. Look at an image of something constantly for more than 30 seconds and then close your eyes and see what kind of after image your brain creates. What a way to waste time!

3. Invent a weird twitch
With the amazingly long amusement range of around 15 minutes this little things requires nothing but courage and guts and that too in front of people. All you need to do is go out in public and pretend that you have a twitch which ignites on it own with no apparent trigger. Watching how people react and the expressions on their faces are priceless.

2. Get yourself as nauseated as possible
For ten totally rocking moments, try getting yourself as dizzy as possible. There are many different ways to do this, you can sit on top of a revolving chair and go round and round and round. Or you can pick a point on the floor, continue staring at it while you revolve around it, that should do the trick. Then try sitting down and count the stars. It is amazing fun. Do not over do it though because you might actually throw up.

1. Call on the Help line of a famous company
Last but certainly not the very least, if you are in the mood to blabber then you might as well just call on the help line of a famous company. Most appropriately it should be a telephone company. They are bound to listen to everything you have to say and you can just continue complaining for as long as you want. All the poor guys will get to say in between your bursts of anger and rude vocabulary is “But sir!”, “Madam we”, “yes”, “right sir”, “true mam”. That should keep you busy for a good amount of time. If at the end of it you still have the energy left, why not call the company of the cell phone that you have and start asking weird questions like “The light has gone off on my cell phone, what do I do?”. Those poor beings also NEED to answer everything you ask as the “CALL IS BEING RECORDED FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE”. Sweet mother of corn syrup that will be fun!

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