Monday, August 6, 2012

10 Fruit Juices Beneficial To Health

Not many people know that soursop fruit (and also part of the soursop tree, namely the leaves) keep hidden strength to fight cancer effectively than with treatment using medicines and chemo-therapy. Unfortunately, the good news is covered up by one of the world’s company which conducted the research and wanted the research funding plus generous benefits go to the company, before the pharmaceutical raw materials from soursop fruit thrown into the world market. Apart from soursop fruit, there are many other fruits that are greatly beneficial to health. All these fruits are also comfortable to consume and easily processed into healthy fruit juice.

10. Avocado juice
The benefits of avocado juice include:
* helps formation of red blood cells
* preventing anemia
* folic acid stimulate brain development and formation of the spinal cord during pregnancy
* controlling the bad fats (LDL cholesterol) and raise the good fats (HDL cholesterol) 
* prevent stroke
* anti-wrinkle and agelessness, etc

09. Tomato juice
The benefits of tomato juice are:
* high antioxidant content useful to defend the body from free radicals
* lyopene in tomatoes could prevent prostate cancer
* helps maintain ideal body weight for those who are dieting
* helps increase appetite for those who are raising weight in the recovery phase after illness
* prevents constipation
* glycogen levels can stabilize liver function, etc.
08. Apple juice
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This phrase seems to be true as the content of apples beneficial to health, including: 
* quercetin in apples act as an anticancer and anti-inflammatory
* pectin can help remove dirt buildup in the gut
* lowers cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar levels
* reduce appetite
* treats headaches, etc. 

 07. Strawberry juice 
The benefits of strawberry juice are: 
* ellagic acid act as antioxidants to counteract free radicals that enter the body
* inhibit tumor cell growth in lung, breast, cervix
* cleanse the body’s digestive system
* controlling cholesterol levels
* reduce pain in joints, etc.

06. Guava juice 
The benefits of guava juice include: 
* reduce cholesterol in the blood and lowers blood pressure
* prevent thrush
* able to reduce weight
* content of vitamin C in guava juice can relieve colds and coughs
* contains astrigent which can cure diarrhea
* prevent bone loss,  etc. 

05. Kiwi fruit juice 
The benefits of kiwi juice include: 
* rich in vitamin C which is useful for protecting the body from cancer cells
* fiber can reduce constipation
* potassium helps regulate blood pressure
* prevents infection, premature aging
* very good for those who suffer from heart disease
* helps relieve cold and flu, etc. 

04. Mango juice 
The benefits of mango juice include: 
* as a disinfectant to cleanse the body and blood in the body
* rich in caretenoid that can prevent colon cancer and cervical cancer
* rejuvenate the body’s cells
* prevent body odor caused by bacteria, etc. 
03. Noni juice 
The benefits of noni juice include: 
* boost the immune system
* regulate blood pressure and reducing high blood pressure
* able to fight tumors and cancer cells
* scopoletin functions as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
* useful against these diseases: hypertension, stroke, diabetes, migraine, vertigo, vaginal discharge, painful joints, etc. 

02. Pomegranate juice 
The benefits of pomegranate juice include: 
* tannins can anesthetize roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms in the intestines and release them with feces
* vitamins A, C, E and folic acid are important for pregnancy
* rich in antioxidants that help prevent blockages in the arteries caused by cholesterol
* prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer, etc.  

01. Soursop juice 
The benefits of soursop juice include:
* effectively pick and choose the target bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, namely breast cancer, prostate, lung, colon, pancreas.  
* 10 thousand times more powerful to postpone cancer cell growth compare to drugs (andriamicin) or chemotherapy
* selectively hunt down and kill the bad cells and not harm / kill healthy cells
* increase energy
* improve the body’s immune system, preventing it from infection, etc

Email from Zuraini received 19 July 2012

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