Monday, July 9, 2012

20 Loading Methods You Should Never Try

I’m not sure how many of these vehicles came with an owners manual, but one thing is certain, none of these brave individuals ever looked at one… This is a collection of people with tasks to accomplish and places to go, who have made the best use of what is available to them. Despite it being totally nuts!

1. Brick Bike

2. Human Truck Strap

3. The Catch of the Day

4. Team Work

5. Two-Wheeled School Bus

6. Only Two Wheels, but Plenty of Seating

7. Winner of the 100 Basket Challenge

8. No Airbags, No Problem

9. Just 10 more miles…

10. Does he know she’s back there?

11. One Horsepower Can Move a Huge Load

12. It’s a great fun, until they make that turn…

13. The Ultimate Tailgating Rig

14. Of course we have room for two more!

15. A voice from the middle says “I need a rest stop, NOW!”

16. The truck looks a bit tired…

17. Height limits are for wimps.

18. Doesn’t he know those are breakable?

19. Largest Rearview Mirror Ever

20. You should have seen yesterdays load!

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