Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Top 5 Herbivores You Probably Want To Avoid

5. Gelada Baboon

Gelada baboons are truly impressive monkeys, with those huge manes and severe flat faces. They are unique to the mountains of Ethiopia where they feed mostly on grass. Usually peaceful, but they are armed with some of nature’s most terrifying set of teeth. Although they seldom, if ever, attack humans in the wild, zoo specimens have been known to be extremely savage and aggressive.

4. American Bison

Weighing up to one ton, the American bison is one of two truly gigantic herbivores left in North America (the other being the moose) after the Ice Age extinction. They were hunted to almost extinction by modern humans but thanks to legal protection they still exist in national parks. What most people don’t know is that bison have killed more tourists than bears and wolves! They will usually not attack unless you enter their “personal space”. Adults with calves to protect are particularly dangerous.

3. Gorilla

After chimpanzees, gorillas are our closest relatives, but there’s a big difference between them and us. A silverback gorilla (that is, an adult male, and usually the leader of the gorilla group,) can weigh up to 200 Kilograms, sometimes even more, and has the strength of at least 10 adult men. They are usually peaceful vegetarians, but the adult male won’t hesitate to attack any intruders that may pose a threat to his family. Armed with enormous, club-like arms and very long, sharp canines, and able to run over twice as fast as a human, an angry gorilla can be as scary as any large predator.

2. Cassowary

Cassowaries are among the largest birds in the world; they live in the rainforests of Australia and New Guinea, and they are amazing in many ways. For example, the crest on their heads is hollow and the bird uses it to produce a very low-frequency call to communicate with other cassowaries over long distances. The cassowary makes it into this list because it is the deadliest bird in the world; it feeds mostly on fruit, but if harassed, will leap into the air, kung-fu style, and kick at its enemy with its inner toe claw, which is long, straight and shaped like a dagger. It can easily disembowel a man with it, and has been known to attack not only humans, but wild dogs and even horses and cows! Males with chicks are particularly dangerous.

1. Rhinoceros

There are five species of rhinos in Africa and Asia and they are all huge, tough, short-tempered and potentially deadly. Their horns are made of hair, but they are still extremely dangerous weapons that can gore any enemy to death. The Indian rhino also has sharp teeth and has been known to bite as well. And of course, they can easily trample you under their weight (up to three tons). Basically, a living, thinking tank that can charge at incredible speed.

Source : http://top5s.net

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