Sunday, March 4, 2012

All That You Want to Know About Japanese Maple Bonsai

Bonsai is unique hobby pursued by an esoteric lot which requires immense interest as well as artistic will. People pursue bonsai as a hobby so that they can give a decorative looks to their outdoors as well as indoors, offices, terraces, etc. One has to have a great love and care for plants coupled with little creativity in order to carry along with bonsai odyssey.

Amongst all the forms of bonsai the maple bonsai is one the most famous. Maple trees specially the Trident Maple tree and Japanese maple tree are famously used for bonsai purpose. Trident Maple is a deciduous tree usually found only western countries. Trident Maple trees usually grow upright and can be beautifully shaped. Trident Maple is considered as a robust plant whose bonsai can be done in all places irrespective of the vicinity being urban or rural surroundings. Though Trident Maple is pollution resident it needs due care. Trident Maple can thrive in shallow pots which dry out quickly and are regarded more drought resistent as compared to other varieties of same species.

Trident Maple bonsai requires sufficient sunlight exposure preferably as much as possible. Trident Maple bonsai roots have a fairly high moisture content, hence are vulnerable to frost which can be troublesome during winters .hence during winters it is better off to keep Trident Maple bonsai in a sunny place with bouts of shades in afternoons or green house .For Trident Maple bonsai it is generally better to use bonsai potting soil along with some percentage of organic material mixed with it.

Maple bonsai can be easy to maintain if kept in sufficient sunlight accompanied with a bit of shade and desired watering. Same applies for the Japanese maple bonsai. There are many varied forms of Japanese maple which can be selected from, like Nishiki Gawa ,Nishiki Issai having tough barks and Kiyo-hime,Tama-hime which are dwarfs and the Sanku and the Aoyji having unusual barks. The Japanese maple bonsai has a very susceptible foliage pattern however it has produces varied colors of gold, green, burgundy and red depending on seasons. Different species produce different colors, shapes and size of leaves which is lovely to watch. In order to take proper care you should prune your new shoots within three to five nodes and pinch off unwanted shoots during springs.

During summers Japanese maple has to be kept in slightly shady regions .Japanese maple is to be exposed to sunlight for the rest part of year but protected from wind. As far as soil is concerned a normal bonsai potting soil with some amount of organic stuff would be good. Japanese maple soil needs to be repotted and fertilized during the later winter and early springs. Japanese maple pot soil is to be watered in a requisite manner in such a way that a tradeoff is maintained between overwatering it and maintaining sufficient moisture. Hence if these things are taken into consideration while maintaining the maple bonsai you will have your dream bonsai.

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