Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Octopus Walking On Land

It’s not everyday that you get to see an octopus in a river… but then again, what’s weirder: an octopus in a river, or an octopus going out of the river and starting to walk on the land, with absolutely no water to assure oxygen for it? This little critter literally walked out of its natural environment, but even hough this seems surprising, you should know that these creatures are actually very smart. Octopuses in captivity actually escape their watery prisons with alarmingly frequency. They would let themselves caught on purpose and wait for the perfect timing to escape, thus being found on floors, or next to the book shelves or other weird places, where the last thing you’d expect to see is an octopus. Luckily, this family managed to catch the whole thing on tape.


You can watch the video clip at Youtube :

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