Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bizarre Predictions That Might Turn Out To Be True

1. Invisibility cloak

According to scientists, invisibility cloaks are not only possible but they are a few years away from being created. The creation of invisibility cloak is based on metamaterials, tiny structures smaller than the wavelength of light, that allow light not to reflect but to bend around an object and re-form on the other side. So far, the technology works on a microscopic level and in only two dimensions.

2. Download brain into a computer
Ian Pearson, a leading British futurologist, said that in less than 50 years computer technology would be so strong that it would be possible to download our brains to the supercomputers. Pearson also said that such a thing would be feasible by 2050 for rich people while the poor would have to wait untill 2075 or 2080.

3. Robot dictator
Technology experts and futurists claim robots and artificial intelligence will become an accepted part of daily life. According to the British Telecom futurology department’s prediction, the world could be under the global robot dictator by 2021.

4. Brain chips
In a report released by Ministry of Defence it is claimed that by 2035 an implantable “information chip” could be wired directly to the brain. It was said that the chips would allow the state, criminals and terrorist organisations to use people to mobilise “flashmobs.”

5. Living genetically engineered teddy bear
The function of teddy bears as silent listeners and keepers of our secrets could be threatened soon. Another sensational prediction coming from the British Telecom Futurology department says that by 2038 we could see the first living teddy bear developed using genetic engineering.

6. Robotic love
Artificial intelligence researcher David Levy predicts that by 2050 we’ll be making robots so lifelike and imbued with human-seeming emotions and intelligence, that we will all want to get intimate with them. Some of us will even marry robots and according to Levy, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize such a kind of marriage.

7. Binary ‘Deathstar’ could strike Earth
Studying double star systems, astronomers at the University of Sydney, in Australia found a highly unstable star believed to be the final stage of stellar evolution to precede a supernova explosion. When it finally explodes it could emit an intense beam of gamma rays and the Earth may be in the line of fire.

8. Superpowers save world from destruction

Tibetan monks claim the world will not be destroyed in 2012 as it was predicted. Supernatural divine powers are watching us and they will intervene. According to the monks, the destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at the predicted time. The monks also predict that afterwards, the new frontier in technology and science will be in the area of spirituality.

9. Human race will split into two species

Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry predicts that a hundred thousand years from now the human race will split into two separate species. The first group will comprise smart, healthy and attractive people while ugly, dim-witted goblin-like creatures will constitute the other group. In his prediction, Curry claims that men will look athletic, have symmetrical facial features, deep voices and bigger penises, while women will develop lighter hairless skin, pert breasts, large eyes and glossy hair.

10. Time traveling

Just because time traveling may seem impossible, doesn’t mean it is, some physics claim. Those psysics say time traveling is theoretically possible, at least in one direction – in the future – according to Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc². Other physics, like Prof Irina Aref’eva and Dr Igor Volovich from Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow, think that the Large Hadron Collider, the most powerful atom-smasher, may be the world’s first time machine.

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