Friday, June 17, 2011

Cat Bath

Ever had the experience to take your cat for a bath? It's not that easy with all the struggling, growling, scratching... right? But have you ever thought what the cat had in mind? Here are a few thoughts on cat baths by the cat itself:

'I Thought You Said You Loved Me!?'

'You will pay for this; God is my witness, we will see about that.'

'What? You call this water warm?'

'How could you? I don't like you anymore.'

'I Hate You!! You SUCK!'

'E.T. Phone home......quick! '

'No, I'm not your Good Little Kitty anymore.'

'Help me! .... I'm losing Traction!'

'I want my Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!'

'No, no, no, no.....NOOOOO!!!!!!!'

Email received September 2008

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