Sunday, March 6, 2011

Largest Catfish Caught By A Woman

December 28. According to the British "Daily Mail” it is reported that a British woman of over sixty and with severe failing eyesight caught a 214 pounds (about 97 kg) catfish with the assistance of her husband.

63-year-old retired gardener Ellen Penfold, had no idea that he and his wife gained two unexpected world records while enjoying their holiday in Spain. It’s reported that the woman, Serla, broke the record of the largest catfish caught by a female; previously, she also caught a largest albino catfish, weighing 192 pounds (about 87 kg.)

Allen and Serla regularly visit the vicinity of Ebro River in Barcelona. But this time the whole thing is a surprise to them. Allen and Serla took pictures with the catfish, and then they released it back to nature.

So far, the world’s largest catfish caught is about 293 kilograms. It is caught by a man in Thailand’s Greater Mekong in 2005.

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