Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"White Swan" - Russian Supersonic Bomber

Largest swan: length 54 m, equipped mass 267 tons, maximum takeoff weight - 275 tons. Wingspan with minimum sweepback (20 degrees) - 57,7 m, intermediate (35 degrees) - 50,7 m, maximum (65 degrees) - 35,6 m

The largest supersonic aircraft in the world. A terrifying bomber, capable of bearing cruise missiles but a most graceful weapon.
Let's examine the Tupolev Tu-160 bomber from various aspects. According to the NATO classification, this strategic bomber bears the codename "Black Jack" (in American slang - bludgeon). However, the Russian pilots baptized them as the White Swan - and this later name is closer to the truth. In spite of its terrifying array of armaments and staggering power, the supersonic Tu-160 is surprisingly elegant in flight.

The bomber became "the Russian answer" to the American program AMSA (Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft - developed manned strategic aircraft), within the framework of which was developed the B-1 Lancer. Practically according to all characteristics Tu-160 substantially anticipates its basic competitor - American Lancer OV. The speed of the Tu-160 is 1.5 times higher, so it has greater combat radius and maximum flying distance. The engine thrust is twice as powerful to its American counterpart. And in no way comparable to them is the invisible B-2 Spirit, including load capacity, the stability of flight and distance.

After the dissolution of the USSR, allocation of the Tu-160 was divided between the republics. 19 of them were based at 84-GO of bomber air guard regiment in Prilukakh and went to the Ukraine. Eight of them were sent to Russia to pay for gas debts, and the rest were simply broken up (the last Ukrainian Swan was converted into a museum piece, and it is possible to visit it in Poltava).

Credit : http://www.moscowtopnews.com/

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