Monday, September 15, 2014

10 Of The Worst Bosses Ever

Original source :
Posted : October 2010
Author : Marite

To celebrate Boss's Day we've made a list of the worst bosses ever.

1  The boss who beat his servant to death
Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser al Saud, a Saudi prince, beat and strangled his servant to death. A few weeks before, the prince was videotaped kicking and punching Bandar Adulaziz on an elevator at the Landmark Hotel, where the two were living. Bandar is seen cowering in the corner; three weeks later, his battered body was discovered in the prince's bed.

2  The boss who fired his employee at the hospital because he would take too long to recover from a double by-pass
Murray Gardiner, 60, had a double by-pass after a week of chest pain, but as he recuperated, his boss visited to tell him he had been sacked from his job of 11 years. The reason? According to Julian Proctor, the boss, the operation had not been fully successful and return to full duties too soon "could kill Gardiner” he said. Mr. Gardiner told his boss he would be fit within three months but Mr. Proctor said he could not afford to wait that long.

3  The supermodel who hit her assistant with her cell phone
Supermodel Naomi Campbell hit her assistant with a mobile phone. The assistant had needed four stitches to her head after being hit following a row.

4  The massage parlor owner who would force his employees to tattoo his birthday on their neck
Alex "Daddy" Campbell was the owner of a suburban massage parlor who forced his employees to engage in sex with him and threatened to publicize the video he took of them having sex with other women. Furthermore many of the women working at the massage parlor were given horseshoe tattoos on their necks and some had the number "917" tattooed on them in reference to Campbell's Sept. 17 birthday.

5  The industrialist who created his own city with his own rules for his employees to live in
Pullman was a 19th century industrialist who created his own city for his employees to live in. Some 12,000 people lived in the town, which ran according to Pullman's rules. No liquor could be sold except at the Florence Hotel. Dissatisfaction with Pullman started because he paid low wages and charged high rents; furthermore he set up oppressive lease terms, and suppressive paternalistic control. Pullman also created his own money and employees only could use it at Pullman's town.

6  The chairman who fired his employee for not recognizing him
James Dolan, chairman of Madison Square Garden, had long cultivated a workplace rife with hostility and disdain for lowly employees. He fired one employee for serving him a glass of flat Coke, and another for failing to recognize him. He created a locker-room atmosphere in which the words "bitch" and "p----" were tossed around like dirty towels.

7  The executive officer who crashed a company in 4 months leaving 20,000 people unemployed
Jeffrey Skilling was Enron's chief executive officer from February until August 2001, when he resigned. Less than four months later, Enron crashed into bankruptcy, and its stock plummeted in value. About 20,000 people lost their jobs and many of them also lost their life savings.

8  The boss who fired a woman for unjustified absence, only she was in coma
At the Punt del Peix, a fish shop in Barcelona, a woman employee was fired for not turning up to work. Her boss fired her for repeated and unjustified absences since she went into a coma after a traffic accident. Nice boss!

9  The employer who deceived his employees to use their credit cards to pay for his private jet's fuel
Lenny "Nails" Dykstra, the ex-Mets star turned financial adviser who famously filed for bankruptcy in 2009, swindled employees into using their credit cards to pay for fuel for his private jets.

10  The boss who broke his employee's nose while trying to force her to kiss another worker
Richard "Mad Dog" Beckman allegedly smashed Carol Matthew's face into another woman's face, breaking Matthew's nose. Apparently the collision occurred when Beckman tried to get Matthew to kiss Emily Jahncke Davis, the mag's international fashion director.

~Blog Admin~

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