Saturday, June 28, 2014

Top Ten Crazy Fears That Actually Have Names

Original source :
Posted : January 2013
Author : the admin

Everybody has met somebody who says that they aren’t afraid of anything. Big lies, right? Even if you don’t fear the reaper, or the boogie man, and would gladly frolic around in the dark carrying spiders with your head wrapped in snakes, there is still something that gives you the heebie-jeebies. It just might not be something that anyone would expect. That doesn’t mean, however, that there isn’t an actual phobia for it. Here is the top ten list of the craziest fears that have actually been given names.

10. Bathing:
Sometimes even a rubber ducky can’t make bath time lots of fun. If you suffer from a debilitating fear of bathing, washing or cleaning yourself, then you have ablutophobia. This fear is much more common in children than it is in adults. It is also more common in women than it is in males. Those with the most extreme cases will be frozen in terror at the prospect of even washing their hands.

9. Crossing the Street:
What would it be like if you had to live your life in a square? For people living with dromophobia, this may just be there reality. This is the completely irrational fear of crossing the street. No matter how big or small, the street is something that merely cannot be crossed over. The thing is, the this phobia doesn’t have to do with being afraid of getting hit by a car or any other specific harm that can come to you while you are trying to get from point A to point B. The fear is the actual crossing of the street itself. Even if you have a crosswalk, a kindly old lady in a bright orange vest, and somebody to hold your hand, if you suffer from this phobia going to see your neighbor for a cup of sugar or roaming through the city is just not an option for you.

8. Friday the 13th:
Did you know that both Friday and the number 13 have bad reps for being bad luck? This must make it extra difficult when Friday the 13th rolls around. For those with paraskavedekatriaphobia, it definitely is. This is the specific phobia of Friday the 13th. When this rare day comes along and other people are settling in for Jason marathons and being especially careful not to break any mirrors or walk under any ladders, people with this phobia are too scared to even leave their homes. There’s no one specific thing that they are afraid will happen to them on Friday the 13th, it’s just the idea that something bad could happen.

7. Garlic:
Alliumphobia is not a good one to have if you happen to live in a town that is infested with vampires. The completely irrational fear of garlic makes it impossible for these people to get through the produce section of a grocery store without breaking out in a nervous sweat, and absolutely eliminates the possibility of enjoying a good authentic Italian meal. It does, however, make it much less likely that they will have terrible breath on a first date.

6. Infinity:
Does the idea of things going on into perpetuity just freak you out? If it does, then you may be suffering from apeirophobia. This is the fear of infinity. Just the thought of anything that isn’t limited by number, time, or volume is absolutely terrifying for people with this fear. It may make them feel out of control or so they can’t comprehend the situation. Mostly, however, it just makes them feel terrified.

5. Mother-in-law:
This seems like one that a lot of men might say they have. Pentheraphobia is the debilitating fear of your mother-in-law. This isn’t just feeling a little bit nervous when she drives up in front of your house or that sick feeling it happens in your stomach when you realize you have to go eat dinner with her. This is pure, trembling, terror. People with this fear don’t even want to hear her name much less be in the same room with her. If they are married, the idea of having a mother-in-law may be so frightening that they avoid getting into serious relationships or specifically look for a woman that doesn’t have a mother said they don’t have to face the possibility of meeting a mother-in-law.

4. Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of the Mouth
Have you ever been eating a peanut butter sandwich and stopped dead in your tracks, paralyzed with fear? If you have then you may be suffering from arachibutyrophobia. This is the pure handicapping fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Not the fear that you will choke, or that you’ve somehow developed a life-threatening allergy to peanut butter or white bread, but that all that yummy goodness will actually become adhered to the roof of your mouth. People with this fear avoid all types of peanut butter, including peanut butter in candies and even peanut butter flavored foods

3. Long Words:
Are you ready for some serious irony? There is actually a fear of hearing, reading, and especially speaking long words… It is called hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. If you look really close at this word you’ll see that it’s made up of things like hippopotamus, monster, and squid. So perhaps people that fear long words think of them as some sort of monster hippopotamus giant squid type thing. Or maybe the person who named it just thought it would be funny to get the longest fear name ever to a phobia of long words.

2. Work:
This probably can’t be used as a valid means of filing for disability, but there really is a recognized fear of the work environment. Ergophobia is the fear of having to perform duties, be a part of a team, or work toward a common goal within a structured work environment. It is characterized by tremendous anxiety about having to actually enter a workplace environment, fear of speaking in front of groups, and particularly fear of socializing with co-workers.

1. Forests:
This may be one of those fears that was instilled in us by all of those fairy tales we heard as children. For people dealing with hylophobia, the idea of taking a leisurely stroll through the woods is enough to cause a full blown panic attack. The fear of forests is so prevalent that even driving past them is a horrifying experience that many sufferers simply can’t overcome. 

~Blog Admin~

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