Thursday, April 24, 2014

Weirdest Inventions In The World

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Author : Eric Token

15. Foot Powered Bike
This bike might be the weirdest and the most useless mode of transport ever created by humankind. Just look at this guy’s face. Does he look happy? Not really!

14. Knitted Beard Hat
If you always wanted to have a stylish looking beard, here is your chance. A knitted beard hat will make your friends jealous even if they have real beards already! Even if you are a girl.

13. Baby Stroller and Scooter
Having your own kids is a great opportunity to get all those toys you didn't have in your childhood. Just like this baby stroller and scooter hybrid! But be careful and drive safely.

12. Flask Tie
This one will be perfect in case you've always been afraid of being kidnapped from the office and dragged into a desert without any good reason. Get yourself a flask tie and you’ll be always prepared to anything!

11. Hairy Stockings
A good thing to have for any woman who wants to know what is it like to be a man. These stockings will also keep your legs warm during long and cold winter nights. A nice addition to your Halloween suit as well.

10. Ping Pong Door
Work gets boring from time to time, doesn't it? Than get a ping pong door and you’ll enjoy staying at work even on weekends! Letting somebody in or out might be a problem though.

9. Goggle Umbrella
Crashing into other people happens all the time when it’s raining. This can be a good thing if you want to meet somebody unexpectedly, but if you don’t, you’d better equip yourself with this goggle umbrella! Some of them will even give you a feeling of submarine captain.

8. Baby Mop
Little children like to spend their time on the floor, especially before they learn how to walk. There’s actually a way to make their floor-based leisure time more useful for the whole family. Dressing your kid with this special baby mop will make your floor shine like never before!

7. Hug Me Pillow
Feeling a bit alone lately? A “Hug Me” pillow will surely help you! But don’t get too attached to your pillows, real people can give you hugs too! This accessory will also come in handy if you want to have a nice laugh leaving your girlfriend or wife with such a thing in the morning. Don’t forget to capture the reaction!

6. The Weight Watch Belt
Sometimes you just can’t tell when it’s time to stop yourself from eating all those delicious things from your favorite bakery. However, if you will wear the weight watch belt on a daily basis, you’ll always know when it’s enough! And don’t cheat by fastening this belt too tight!

5. Cutting-Board Bird Feeder
This brilliant invention will give you two things at once: 1. you’ll have a great surface for cutting your bread; 2. your birdie will always be fed even if you forget to feed it! A perfect outdoor solution too. Make all the birds in your hood happy!

4. Soccer Chair
A chair that will give you a nice opportunity to play soccer in the most convenient way ever as you will be sitting all the time! A brilliant idea for tired parents, who just can’t say no to their soccer-loving kids.

3. Sleeping Bag with Arms and Legs
Leaving your tent in the middle of the night was probably never so comfortable! This special sleeping bag will make your outdoor stay comfy even if you have no tent at all! Now you can answer a call of nature like a boss.

2. A Duck-Billed Protective Muzzle for Dogs
These protective muzzles will make your dog look just like a duck! It might sound awesome but if god wanted dogs to look like ducks, he would have done that himself. If dogs could talk, there’s no doubt that they would say the same.

1. The Dogbrella
Wet dogs don’t smell nice and that’s a fact. To prevent this, you can always use a “dogbrella” whenever it gets too rainy outside. You can achieve even better effect if you will be protecting yourself from the rain by the goggle umbrella at the same time. Make people remember you forever.

~Blog Admin~

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