Saturday, December 21, 2013

5 Strange Indicators Of You Being Vitamin Deficient

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Posted : April 2013
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Your body can go to strange lengths in trying to tell you something - for example, that you’re skimping on critical vitamins. In this era of a diet in the form of processed foods it is not very difficult to become vitamin-deficient, either by not eating enough of the right foods or not absorbing them properly due to digestive issues. Deficiency of vitamins in your body may not make you sick, but you can end up with impaired functioning, because vitamins are catalysts and ingredients for all the biochemical reactions in the body. We need them in order to function properly. This impaired functioning can sometimes manifest in mysterious ways. Here are five unusual warning signs that you may be vitamin-deficient. The good news: Most are fixable with dietary measures - all the more reason to make nutrition a top priority. But if food cures don’t work, be sure to consult your doctor.

1. Cracked Corners Of Your Mouth:
The Deficiency of iron, zinc, and B vitamins like niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), and B12 can cause cracks in the corners of your mouth. It’s common to not get enough iron, zinc, and B12 if you’re a vegetarian or if you’re skimping on essential immunity-building protein due to dieting.
The Solution: Eat more poultry, salmon, tuna, eggs, oysters, clams, sun-dried tomatoes, Swiss chard, tahini, peanuts, and legumes like lentils. Iron absorption is enhanced by vitamin C, which also helps fight infection, so combine these foods with veggies like broccoli, red bell peppers, kale, and cauliflower.

2. Hair Loss And A Red, Scaly Rash On Your Face And Rarely On Other Parts Of Your Body:
Biotin Deficiency Rash
The Deficiency of Biotin (B7) also known as the hair vitamin causes hair loss and a red, scaly rash on your face and rarely on other parts of your body. While your body stores fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), it doesn’t store most B vitamins, which are water-soluble. Body builders must become aware of the fact that eating raw eggs makes you vulnerable, because a protein in raw eggs called avidin inhibits the body’s ability to absorb biotin.
The Solution: Reach for more cooked eggs (cooking deactivates avidin), salmon, avocados, mushrooms, cauliflower, soybeans, nuts, raspberries, and bananas.

3. Red Or White Acne-like Lesions, Usually On The Cheeks, Arms, Thighs, And Buttocks:
The Deficiency of Essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D cause red or white acne-like bumps, typically on the cheeks, arms, thighs, and butt.
The Solution: Increase healthy fats and skimp on saturated fat and trans fats, which you should be doing anyway. Focus on adding more salmon and sardines, nuts like walnuts and almonds, and seeds like ground flax, hemp, and chia. For vitamin A, pile on leafy greens and colorful veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes, and red bell peppers. This provides beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which your body will use to make vitamin A. For vitamin D, though, I recommend a supplement - 2,000 IU a day in one that also contains vitamins A and K, which help with D absorption.

4. Tingling, Numbness And Pins & Needles Sensations In Hands, Feet, Or Elsewhere:
The Deficiency of B vitamins like folate (B9), B6, and B12 can cause tingling, numbness and pins & needles sensations in hands, feet, or elsewhere in the body. This problem is directly related to the peripheral nerves and where they end in the skin and its symptoms can be combined with anxiety, depression, anemia, fatigue, and hormone imbalances.
The Solution: Seek out spinach, asparagus, beets, beans (pinto, black, kidney, lima), eggs, octopus, mussels, clams, oysters, and poultry.

5. Crazy Muscle Cramps Leading To Stabbing Pains In Toes, Calves, Arches Of Feet, And Backs Of Legs:
The Deficiency of magnesium, calcium, and potassium causes crazy muscle cramps leading to stabbing pains in toes, calves, arches of feet, and backs of legs. If these symptoms are happening frequently then it’s a tip-off that you’re lacking in these minerals and vitamins. And if you’re training hard, you can lose more minerals (and water-soluble B vitamins) through heavy sweating.
The Solution: Eat more bananas, almonds, hazelnuts, squash, cherries, apples, grapefruit, broccoli, bok choy, and dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and dandelion.


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