Friday, October 4, 2013

20 Of The World’s Youngest Murderers

The youngest known murderer was only three years old. Murderous children typically come from abusive or neglectful households. Unfortunately, it’s the children and their victims who must pay the price for the sometimes horrific state of their households, whether it’s in death or with a life sentence. Here are 20 of the world’s youngest murderers.

Jesse Pomeroy
Jesse Pomeroy, 14, murdered a 4-year-old boy in 1874 - making this his second murder. Besides his conviction of the two murders, Pomeroy already had a bad rap for his arrest and conviction of sexually torturing/molesting several children. He was sentenced to 40 years in solitary confinement. Yeah, that’ll help.

Graham Young

Graham Young was a young chemistry genius, studying so avidly that he acquired a postgraduate chemistry student’s level of knowledge by the time he was 14. Unfortunately, Young used his powers for evil; he poisoned his father, mother, sister, and grandmother. He was eventually institutionalized, but even poisoned hospital staff and fellow inmates at the maximum security hospital that was housing him. Once released, Young continued to poison his family members and friends until he was finally sent back to prison for life.

Terilynn Wagner
Terilynn Wagner murdered nine people before her 14th birthday. She was released at the age of 18 and teamed up with the author Wilton Earle to write and publish her story.

Carl Newton Mahan
Carl Newton Mahan, 6, shot Cecil Van Hoose, 8, over a piece of scrap metal the pair were fighting over in 1929. Scrap metal was often scavenged and sold during financially difficult times. 

Jon Venables and Robert Thompson
Jon Venables and Robert Thompson were each 10 years old when they abducted James Bulger, 2, and lead to a secluded area in Liverpool. After relentlessly beating and torturing Bulger, the two little murderers tied him down to the train tracks and let him get severed in half by an oncoming train.

Lionel Tate
Lionel Tate was 12 in 1999, when he beat 6-year-old Tiffany Eunick to death. He became the first person sentenced to life without the possibility of parole for his crime.

Mary Bell
Mary Bell was an 11 year old girl who killed two little boys (ages 3 and 4). She came from an abusive household; her mother was a prostitute and her absent father was believed to be a career criminal.

Unnamed 8-Year-Old
An unnamed 8-year-old used a notebook to tally his father’s spankings in the weeks leading up to his murder. In 2008, the boy shot his father and his father’s friend with a .22 caliber rifle.

Jordan Brown
Jordan Brown was 11 when he murdered his father’s pregnant fiancĂ© in 2009. Using a hunting rifle, he shot her in her sleep and attended school later that morning as if nothing had happened.

Andrew Golden and Mitchell Johnson
Andrew Golden and Mitchell Johnson were 13 when they planned and executed the Westside Middle School Massacre. Armed with several guns from their grandfathers’ closets, the boys shot and killed four students and one teacher, wounding ten others in the process. Remarkably, they were not tried as adults.

Eric Smith
Eric Smith, 13, sexually abused and murdered his after-school peer, 4-year-old Derrick Robbie, in 1993. The one day Robbie’s mother allowed her son to walk a single block alone is the day he was abducted and murdered, his personal belongings strewn about his body. Smith confessed but never provided any explanation for his actions.

Alyssa Bustamante
Alyssa Bustamante was 15 when she took her dark emo/goth phase to unspeakable levels, strangling and slitting the throat of 9-year-old Elizabeth Olten. Bustamante had been seriously contemplating killing her two younger brothers instead, just to “find out what it felt like.”

George Junius Stinney Jr.
George Junius Stinney Jr., 14, bludgeoned two young girls to death in 1944. The girls, 11 and 8, were white, and George was black, leading to an extremely racially charged trial. Sadly, Stinney was put to death at the age of 15.

Barry Loukatis
Barry Loukatis dressed up as a cowboy from the Wild West on the day he shot up his Algebra class for “fun”, killing two students and one teacher. He was sentenced to two life sentences an additional 205 years in prison.

Kipland Kinkel
Unofficially voted as the student “most likely to start World War III,” Kipland Kinkel was simply sent home for the egregious offense of bringing a gun to school. When he came back, he was armed with a rifle which he used to open fire in the cafeteria, killing two students and injuring eight others. Police found both of his parents murdered at his house, his mother’s body rigged with booby-trap explosives.

Cindy Collier and Shirley Wolf
Cindy Collier and Shirley Wolf were young criminals who enjoyed vandalism and robbery when they were just 14 years old. This matured into murder when a kind elderly woman let the girls into her house for tea; they stabbed her 28 times and later told police that it was quite a fun experience which they would gladly do again.

Joshua Phillips
Joshua Phillips, 14, bludgeoned and stabbed his 8-year-old neighbor, then stuffed her body under his bed. Once the corpse began to reek like death, Phillips’ mother discovered the dead girl and turned her son over to police.

Christian Fernandez
Christian Fernandez, a 12-year-old child who was apparently prone to violence, beat and killed his younger half-brother, just a toddler at the time. Fernandez’s mother was only 12 when she gave birth to Christian. Christian also witnessed the suicide of his stepfather.

Amarjeet Sada
Amarjeet Sada was 8 when he was arrested and accused of killing three babies, two of them his cousins. Although Sada’s family tried to keep the murders of his cousins a secret, he was ousted when a neighbor suspected Sada in the murder of the third child.

Unnamed 3-Year-Old
An unnamed 3-year-old beat and killed her 22-day-old sister as her drunken parents were passed out in the bedroom. It’s been suggested that the child thought her sister was a doll, but it’s more likely that jealousy fueled the murder. 

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