Thursday, October 11, 2012

5 Shocking Claims Of Reincarnation

Swarnlata Mishra
Among the case studies of reincarnation, one of the most famous is that of Swarnlata Mishra. She was born to an scholarly and prosperous family in Pradesh in India 1948. Her reincarnation came in to scene when she was only three years old, while travelling with her father past the town of Katni, more than 100 miles from her home. The girl indicated and asked the driver to take a turn down the road to “HER HOUSE”. She further suggested that they could get a better cup of tea there than they could on road. Her father went to that very house indicated by the young girl and found all the facts stated by her to be true. She recognized all the family members from her previous life.

A six-year-old boy named Taranjit Singh
Next in the line of claims of reincarnation is a story of a six-year-old boy named Taranjit Singh from the village of Alluna Miana, India. The boy claimed that he had been a person named Satnam Singh. This other boy had lived in the village of Chakkchela, Taranjit insisted, and even knew Satnam’s father’s name. The boy had been killed while he was going back home from school on a bike. An investigation verified the many details Taranjit knew of his previous life as Satnam.

Maha Ram
This is another fascinating case in the series of case studies on reincarnation. An Indian boy exacted to commemorate the life of a man named Maha Ram, who was killed with a shotgun fired at close range. A strange thing about this story is that this boy had an array of birthmarks in the center of his chest that looked like they could possibly correspond to a shotgun blast. The story was later verified and found out to be true. Indeed, there was a man named Maha Ram who was killed by a shotgun blast to the chest. An autopsy report recorded the man’s chest wounds, which represented directly with the boy’s birthmarks.

A Man from Thailand
A man from Thailand claimed that when he was a child he had distinct memories of a past life - as his own paternal uncle. This man had a large scar-like birthmark on the back of his head. His uncle, it turns out, died from a severe knife wound to that very part of his head.

Sharada of Uttara Huddar of Nagpur, India
Another incident of reincarnation that happened in india is that of Uttara Huddar of Nagpur, India who became aware of her past life as Sharada when she was in her 30s. Her past life memories had a very different effect on her current life. Her retentions changes her personality and she spoke a language which was totally unfamiliar to her. One day the unmarried Uttara assumed the personality of a married Bengali woman, calling herself Sharada and spoke only Bangla.

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