Sunday, July 22, 2012

Be Aware Of Your Mate-To-Be's Gender

Indonesian Bride Discovers Groom to be a Woman

Waiting until marriage to consummate a relationship is all fine and dandy if that’s your thing, but you should always be aware of the gender of your mate-to-be before tying the knot. Such is the sad tale of a woman in the Banten province of Indonesia, who discovered her soon-to-be husband was actually a woman. During the exchanging of the vows, the “groom” let escape a female voice. This caused the congregation to grow a bit suspicious. The cleric started asking questions, and according to a police office, his voice “turned soft, like that of a woman.” Even the cop was surprised, as he later stated that “she looked very much like a man and her voice was heavy.”

The woman is now being investigated by the local police for fraud.

You’d think the lack of an Adam’s apple would be a giveaway, but maybe she wore lots of turtlenecks. This is clearly not a unique case, either. A woman in India recently discovered her “husband” was actually a woman after the actual marriage took place.

Indian Bride Discovers Husband Is a Woman

With shadows of classic films such as Some Like it Hot and Victor, Victoria lingering in the transsexual air, there is no comedic denouement for this unfortunate Indian bride who lived with her husband for a year before finally discovering the very naked and painful truth. Her beloved he was really a she.

Minati Khatua, aged 26, of Orissa, India, and her family were completely fooled by the groom, Sitakant Routray, who received a substantial dowry as is traditional in India composed of an Indica car, gold ornaments and more than £350  (about US $575) in cash. “He had impressed everyone in my family and they willingly agreed to our marriage,” said Khatua.

No matter how much she wanted to believe her new husband, she grew more and more suspicious after the wedding when he constantly avoided any physical contact with her using the pretext of a religious vow. “I would try hard to find out and confirm his gender but failed repeatedly… One day I managed to force open the bathroom door when he was having a bath and my worst fears became true. He was a woman,” she told the press. Local police are investigating the most bizarre case. The bogus groom is nowhere to be found at the present time, having absconded with a car and a jeep, which were bought with loans acquired from an account in Ms Khatua’s name.

It seems amazing that this bizarre charade could have gone on for a year, but be that as it may, one can only hope that Mr. Wonderful gets his (or in this case, her) just desserts.

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