Monday, February 6, 2012

Technician Found a Surprise in an Audi A4

This is an interesting story about a car technician who had a big surprise that scared the crap out of him. Here goes the story:

“A guy came in for his 5,000 miles service……only took 3 belly pan bolts off and… BAM!… opossum falls in my lap…. looks at me like “WTF!?” and takes off across the shop hiding in some other guy’s toolbox… scared the crap out of me… I still cannot understand how it built a nest and lived there for some time, guy drove with the possum wherever and got it back home, possum must have gotten out and went back in there... heck! it built a nest… Oh yeah, I screamed like a little girl :)”

I guess it was the last thing he expected doing his job that day…

Source :

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