Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Inventions That Will Eventually Doom Humanity

CFCs, leaded gasoline, alcohol, gunpowder and even tobacco are a few among the host of inventions that probably did (and in some cases are still ‘doing’) more harm than good but to err is human and it is only a matter of time before something new is invented that is the mother of all previous ‘bad’ inventions that plunges the world into cataclysmic times. Here are some inventions that might just do that.

No 5. Flame Drills
Jared Potter has recently developed a pair of flame drills that operate at temperatures of 3200 and 7200 degrees, respectively, which is hot enough to burn anything that comes its way. The ultra hot drills are capable of boring through the Earth’s crust without ever actually touching the rock itself which essentially eliminates the need for replacement drill bits, equipment maintenance and rock cooties.

Good enough an idea to revolutionize Geothermal Engineering but what this invention brings with it is a host of possible disaster like volcanic eruptions, searing magma, earthquakes and crustal instability. And since, there are a large number of variables involved when dealing with geotechnical and geothermal problems it might not be the safest idea to just drill through the earth right now.

No 4. Warp Drive
By manipulating extra dimensions with massive amounts of energy, two Baylor University physicists have discovered how a faster-than-light engine or a warp drive, could be created which essentially bends but does not break the laws of physics. This would make interstellar travel truly a reality rather than a thing for the movies. It would open up possibilities bordering of the realm of all imaginable.

The way this invention could kill off us all is through black holes; every time warp drive is invoked, a black hole is created. Thus a warp engine would work by creating a massive “bubble” of distorting energy behind the ship, but the energy output is so enormous that if it were to run out - like say, when you slow down, park or just run out of gas - the bubble would inevitably collapse on itself, thereby generating massive, sun-like temperatures before folding and creating a black hole. So, in a nut shell, people in the ship survive and everything in its wake is swallowed up.

No 3. Artificial Brain

From HAL 9000 to I Robots, Artificial Intelligence is being pursued with the utmost desire. It has been predicted that human brain, an artificial human brain will most likely be perfected in this decade. First elements of an artificial rat brain have already been tested and experimented. But “We cannot keep on doing animal experiments forever,” said Professor Markram, director of the Blue Brain Project said at TED Oxford.

Little is needed to be told how AI would end the world, as movies wouldn’t leave anything to be told. But, nevertheless, to say that there would be unimaginable horror is enough; numerous ways for the world to end.

No 2. Love Pills
Or Anti-Love Pills as such. Dr. Young, a neuroscientist, predicts that it won’t be long before an unscrupulous suitor could sneak a pharmaceutical love potion into your drink like they do in the old fantasy/magical movies. Dr. Young’s research into prairie voles has shown that lifelong mating can be triggered, prolonged or even blocked by altering the level of certain chemicals in their brains. And similarly, oxytocin has shown positive effects in human patients. Well, it isn’t bad if though about for a moment, afterall, heartbreaks can be credited for half of world’s problem, can’t they?

How could this possibly doom humans? Well, anti-love pill is one which is most dangerous, as there are certain or I should say many responsibilities associated with love and loved ones and then there are times when you feel like getting away but you can’t just do it today. With anti-love pills though, you could skip all those hard moments and live the life you want without any burden on your conscience. With love gone from this world, it is a countdown to the end already.

No 1. Computer Assisted Memory

Dr. Theodore W. Berger, a professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and the director of the Center for Neural Engineering has spent the past decade developing some of the basics for a chip-assisted hippocampus. Computer assisted memory is a recent goal that we are already practicing in the form of pictures uploading and documents saving, but it still is very far from that depicted in the movies. What this would do is, make a world, where everyone would live on forever in the digital world.

How will it end the world? It doesn’t get any simpler; you rely increasingly more on your Computer Assisted Memory and your enemy one day steals that chip and you are left in the middle of nowhere with your empty brain. Or worse, central computer memories are targeted by the terrorists and the whole world is in turmoil, period.

Source : realitypod.com

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