Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Toyota In US To Shutdown

Toyota Says US Manufacturing Plant Prepares To Shutdown

According to a Toyota spokesman, Toyota’s U.S. manufacturing arm is in a way for a possible shutdown as there is shortage of parts from Japan. Meanwhile in Japan Toyota and Nissan announced resumed production of some hybrid and electric car, but according to Honda it is extending its shutdown of factory there.

It had been announced to all 13 factories of Toyota in United States, Canada, and Mexico. But the Toyota spokesman said, it does not mean that there would be no working in plant, but in case of need they should be ready. He said “We expect some kind of interruptions”. The Japans car factories have stopped working since the March 11 earthquake in Japan. In North America 25000 employees work in Toyota’s manufacturing and R&D department.

It has a policy of paying its employees till finding other jobs for them either in Toyota or in communities where they are working as volunteers at the time of production shutdown. Goss said Toyota is still evaluating that at this time which suppliers are capable of full operation.

Source : www.serpholicmedia.com

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