Sunday, May 22, 2011

Was A New Secret Stealth Helicopter Used In Pakistan?

So what exactly was it that flew into Pakistan carrying SEAL Team 6, that nobody saw or heard until it was too late?

Was this the remains of a secret stealth helicopter?
 With new pictures coming out of Pakistan showing town folks collecting parts and pieces of the downed copter, aviation geeks around the globe have been trying to figure out what the hell it was.

A former member of the Italian air force, David Cenciotti, with the help of Aviation Graphic artist Ugo Crisponi, we have a amazing looking rendering of what may just be the stealth Helo that whisked the head hunter commandos in and out of Pakistan without drawing any attention.

It is still a mystery bird, but the drawing does show the comparison to the standard Black Hawk underneath.

It’s a damn shame that the first time we see a possibly new and secret ride and it’s in a smokin’ hole being used to gather intelligence by the Pakistani government.

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