Saturday, April 16, 2011

Faces Of Meth Addicts

This article was posted in on 15 March 2011

We all know that drugs are bad for you, but how much damage do they really make? Here you have some mugshots of drug addicts that use meth; it is part of the project “Faces of Meth” by Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office. You can see two mugshots of each person, and they show different time periods so you can see how much drugs can change your appearance in just some years or even months.

All of these drug addicts use some drug called Methamphetamine or “meth” as everybody calls it. This drug has high potential for abuse and addiction, so when you take it once there is no turning back, you are just going to take more and more. The faces of these people show what chronic abuse of this drug can do to you.

Some of them are not even recognizable because of the changes the drug has done to them. Some of them even have Parkinson’s disease. You can see the wounds in their faces and how they look 30 years older than their real age. It would be a good idea to show high school kids these mugshots so that they get to know how dangerous drugs are. Another thing that is worth mentioning is that once you start abusing drugs you can end up living in a tunnel like these people.

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  1. wah muke dorg..berubah la..kulit pun mkin teruk

  2. Itulah kesan akibat penyalahgunaan dadah

  3. i hope and pray that these people find life again and the happiness that they all deserve

  4. I agree with you, Becky. If they really try out hard, they may succeed in getting rid of this dangerous habit.

  5. It's not a habit!! Its addiction, there's a huge difference, I know, I'm an addict clean now for 8 months and 11 days , I was in a 28 day rehab detox, and 7 months at a halfway house for clean living...I thank God for staying off the drugs and giving me yet another chance....
